Foreskin Restoration
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Web Pages
Principles of Foreskin Restoration
by Circumcision Information Resource Centre, Montreal Canada. Includes: Definitions, basic principles and simple self-applied methods. Resources include: Books - Organizations - Mailing List - Support group
Nonsurgical Foreskin Restoration
Synopses explaining why and how foreskin restoration is done and dispels myths associated with the process. Links to organizations concerned with foreskin restoration.
Foreskin Restoration Information Sites On the World Wide Web
A list of websites that address or pertain to the male foreskin, male circumcision, foreskin restoration (glans re-covering), and other aspects of sexual mutilation.
Genital Self-mutilation: Attempted Foreskin Reconstruction
A case report from the medical literature.
Foreskin Restoration Page
Links to restoration resources including books, videos, support groups, and information sites.
Benefits of Restoration
Personal accounts of the benefits derived from foreskin restoration compiled by NORM of Southern California.