Smoking Cessation
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Web Pages
Quit Smoking Diaries
Record your thoughts, feelings, frustrations and triumphs as you go through the quitting process.
Cold Turkey Support Group
A place for people to help each other quit smoking through education, chat and message board posts.
Freedom from Tobacco
Where nicotine addicts come to find the knowledge, understanding and support that they need in order to break free from the bonds that bind them.
Smokefree Living: Virginia
Smoking cessation in Virginia for tobacco & nicotine users.
Atlanta Nicotine Anonymous
Stop Smoking with help from Nicotine Anonymous.
Blair's Quitting Smoking Resources
Provides the support ingredients to quit smoking.
Committed Quitters
Designed to work along with your patch or gum to help you quit smoking for good.
Motley Fool Quitting Smoking Bulletin Board
One of the Motley Fool Message Boards, dedicated to discussion of quitting
Cold Turkey Support Group
For people that want support and help in quitting smoking using the cold turkey method.
Quit Smoking Support
Advice, support and encouragement for those who are trying to quit smoking.
UK online community.
Smokers, victims, survivors and physicians helping smokers find freedom from tobacco.
Quit Net
A national resource for communities working on substance abuse based at Boston University School of Public Health.
Quit Smoking Buddies
E-mail support group for people who are considering or attempting to quit smoking.
The Time Is Right
Support and practical information on stopping smoking.
Nicotine Anonymous
A fellowship of men and women helping each other to live lives free of nicotine.
Quit Smoking
An open discussion group to discuss issues pertaining to quitting smoking, nicotine abuse, methods of quitting, and to give support and encouragement to those in the quitting process.
Quit Smoking
Support group: chat, post area.
Unofficial Nicotine Anonymous
Message board and email support.
People Helping People Beat The Addiction to Nicotine
Free support resource for people who have, or would like to, successfully quit smoking. Features bulletin boards on several quit-smoking-related topics.