Web Pages
Your source for integrated breast cancer care. We believe that healing and recovery must come from both sides of the partnership.
Georgia Breast Cancer Coalition
Breast cancer resources for advocacy, education, and support in Georgia .
Ask NABCO Online
A monthly on-line health column from the National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations (NABCO) that answers commonly-asked questions about breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Mailing List:Information and Support
Information and subscription form for the Breast Cancer Mailing List
CancerNews: Breast Cancer
Information on breast cancer support groups. Cancer News, information, and books. Includes link to CancerNews Breast Cancer Support Directory.
WIN Against Breast Cancer -
The Women's Information Network Against Breast Cancer is a non-profit organization and excellent resource for information and support for breast cancer survivors, families, and newly diagnosed patients.
AVON- Women- The Crusade
AVON's Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade
Breast Cancer Support Groups: CancerNews
Information on breast cancer support groups. This is a service of
Breast Cancer ACTION Nova Scotia (BCANS)
BCANS has a very active community of breast cancer survivors. Our web site has been providing online support for thousands of men and women whose lives have been affected by breast cancer.
Bosum Buddies Breast Cancer & Lymphedema Support Group
Contact information for a support group in Naples, FL.
Breast Cancer On-line Support
A breast cancer support group with interactive facilities including guestbooks, chat, voice chat, books, and up-to-date research news on breast cancer.
Community Breast Health Project
Organization dedicated to improving the lives of people touched by breast cancer through educational resources and community activities.
Breast Cancer Survivors Foundation
Founded to support breast cancer survivors, their families, and the professionals that support them.
The Breast CancerTalk Project
Provides support groups in the Silicon Valley/San Jose communities in California. Site has stories, letters, reading list and links to other breast cancer sites.
Breast Cancer Survivor's Discussion Board
An active discussion board for breast cancer survivor's to interact with one another for support, technical information and socializing.
The Breast-Health Forum
Discussion and support, including archives, posting, rules and instructions.
Las Isabelas
Providing sensitive and appropriate psychosocial support, educational resources, comfort, and guidance for Latinas with cancer.
OncoLink: Breast Cancer - Support
This document contains links to psychosocial support information for breast cancer patients.
Pillars of Hope
Supporting breast cancer victims and their friends/families. Free hats to chemotherapy patients, mentoring.
Breast Cancer Mailing List Archive
Searchable archive of the largest breast cancer mailing list, going back to 1995.
Friends In Touch
An online breast cancer support group for patients, survivors and care givers. Includes poetry, survivor's stories, a chat room and resources.
OnHealth - A Patient's Guide to Prevention and Treatment
For women recently diagnosed with breast cancer and wondering about the road ahead, here is a guide: personal thoughts and advice from other women who've been there.
Walks for Women, AMC Cancer Research
Help fight breast cancer. Donations fund research into control and prevention, helping women everywhere defeat breast cancer.
Information about women's health, breast cancer, HRT, menopause, lumpectomy, osteoporosis, and personal guidance.
Breast Cancer Discussion Boards –
Public forums for discussing breast cancer experiences including diagnosis, treatment, recovery and the effects on personal relationships.
Online therapy group for women with breast cancer to provide anonymous support.
Woman Matters - Women's Cancer Support
Women's Cancer Support - Gynecologic cancer support - Including links to cancer treatment centers in each state and products for sale with donations going to cancer organization of your choice.
Board of Human Kindness
This site is a meeting place for voluteers, crew and friends of the former Pallota Teamworks. Here they can discuss their fundraising walks for breast cancer and other concerns.
Living with it Aventis
Designed to support women with breast cancer by offering information on breast cancer issues, lifestyle, diet and exercise, medical options.
HERS Breast Cancer Foundation
Support, advocacy, counseling for breast cancer survivors and their families.
Abreast of 'bridge Cancer Survivors
Abreast of bridge is a group of women who are living with breast cancer.
Y-me National Breast Cancer Organization, Chicagoland Affiliate
Y-me National Breast Cancer Organization.
the young ones
A breast cancer support group for young women, and their family and friends, in the West Suffolk catchment area.
4essays: Breast Cancer
An essay on breast cancer.
The Virginia Thurston Healing Garden
Private, non-profit organization providing counseling, complementary therapies, and educational programs for women with breast cancer.
Komen Virtual Race
The Komen Virtual Race for the Cure is a Komen Foundation program designed to take the race online in a continued effort to fight breast cancer.
The Ice Men
Non-profit, all male synchronized skating team who raise money for breast cancer research. Includes upcoming schedule and contact information.
Willow Breast Cancer Support & Resource Services
Services and events of group in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
A forum for experiences, chat and research information. Provides very active discussion boards.