Ulcerative Colitis
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Web Pages
Living Better with Ulcerative Colitis
Learn how Asacol is helping remission treatment. Find new and educational information on this disease and learn how to live better with this chronic illness.
New Surgical Options for the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis
A discussion as to what this disease is, treatment, when surgery is necessary and what is available to sufferers. Alternative therapies are also indicated.
Ulcerative Colitis
The possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment are discussed.
Julie's Story
Details personal experiences with the disease so that sufferers can compare symptoms. Includes medical updates, diet and j-pouch information.
Ulcerative Colitis: Living and Coping with your condition
A personal website with message board, chat room, and links to various resources and other related sites.
ACCAQ: Australian Crohn's & Colitis Association (Qld) Inc
A voluntary association formed for those who suffer from these inflammatory bowel diseases. Includes treatments, information on surgery and a well constructed site map.
CCFA: Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America
Focused on improving the quality of life of people who suffer with these diseases. Details news, updates, research, IBD clinical trials and library.
Describes the possible causes, symptoms and various treatment options available for this, and associated diseases.
Ulcerative Colitis Information Center
Provides information about this disease including: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.
To Be Decided
Information on Living with this form of IBD, including symptoms, tests, diagnosis and medication. J-pouch surgery and having an ileostomy are also discussed.
Ulcerative Colitis Information
Provides information about this disease of the large intestine, and compares it to Crohn's disease. Supplies data about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Ulcerative Colitis Treatment Options
Addresses treatment and relapse prevention. Includes medication options, surgery, research and lifestyle techniques.
Prospect Study
Helping people with this condition learn about their disease, and about the option of participating in a clinical study by Protein Design Labs.
Alicia's Ulcerative Colitis Website
A young doctor's personal battle with this disease. Includes definitions, information and pictures.