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Web Pages
Acute Stroke Toolbox
Guidelines, pathways, sample admission orders, and complementary tools, courtesy of the Brain Attack Coalition--a nonprofit alliance whose mission is to reduce the occurrence and impact of stroke.
An educational resource focusing on the prevention and treatment of stroke and transient ischemic attacks. Features articles and webcasts of interviews with medical professionals.
Stroke, Brain Attack, and Paralysis
An introduction to stroke, linking to related incidence information, news, chats, and a directory of neurologists. Hosted by NeurologyChannel.
Rehabilitation information, educational training videos, and discussion forums for clinicians, families and survivors of stroke.
Project Stroke Hope
Presentation by a family hoping to help others who are affected by stroke. Offers notes on disability benefits and insurance matters, fundamental information on stroke, and links to stroke-related sites.
Lou's Stroke
Link collection and personal story of Louis Albert, a survivor with diabetes and aphasia who has used assistive technology to create his site.
Stroke Rehabilitation in the Elderly
Doctoral thesis by Kauko Pitkänen, focusing on long-term rehabilitation for survivors aged 65 and older.
Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy: Online Publications
Reading list featuring reports on CIMT--a "massed practice" approach to limb weakness. Intended as a research aid for stroke survivors, medical professionals, and others who wish to investigate the therapy online.
An international research programme, aiming to discover new treatments for stroke through a genomic approach. Funded by the European Commission.
Transient Ischemic Attack Hub
A brief introduction to TIAs, accompanied by links to overviews and scientific publications.
Stroke Survivors: The Site for Cerebellar Stroke Victims
Developed and maintained by survivor John d'Arcy to support individuals who are dealing with cerebellar stroke. Resources include his personal story, a fact sheet on the condition, a message board, and contact details for related organizations in the United Kingdom.
Megan's Notebook
Inspirational resource created by author and childhood stroke survivor Megan Drummond. Features essays on Megan's experiences during and after her stroke.
Neurotransplantation for Patients with Paralysis After Stroke
Overview of the University of Pittsburgh's study of neuronal cell transplantation for the treatment of stroke. Updates on the research program are provided.
Terri's Stroke Recovery
Story of stroke and continuing recovery, from the rehab unit to independent living. Written in support of other survivors who are on the "long journey back" from stroke.
Stroke Survivors
Tips for everyday living, information on hemiplegia recovery, and opportunities to read and share recovery notes and personal therapy reviews, courtesy of survivor Rowland Gale.
Internet Stroke Center at Washington University
A stroke resource for medical professionals and consumers, alike. Educational information, directories of clinical trials and stroke centers, and a calendar of major stroke conferences are among the site's many offerings.
Rob Evan Hughes, L.S.W., Advocate for Stroke-Affected Families
Inspirational essays, pointers to online stroke resources, and information on Mr. Hughes's availability for speaking engagements.
Depression and Stroke
National Institute of Mental Health fact sheet relating the symptoms of post-stroke depression and the importance of obtaining treatment.
Brain Stem Stroke: Joe and Jackie
A couple's story of survival and life after a massive brain stem stroke resulting in locked-in syndrome.
The Effects of Pharmacotherapy and Training on Functional Recovery after Global and Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats
A doctoral thesis by Kirsi Puurunen of University of Kuopio, Finland.
Interact Reading Service
Providing a professional, live, interactive reading service for stroke patients in hospitals and stroke clubs in the London area.
Post Stroke Help
Articles and webcasts concerning post-stroke spasticity, uncontrollable muscle tightness or cramps that cause pain and affect movement. Created in cooperation with Healthology and supported by unrestricted educational grants from Allergan and Medtronic.
Fact sheets, adapted leisure ideas, relaxation tips, news, and other resources for those who are caring for loved ones with stroke or another neurological condition.
Home to the StrokePost news pages and numerous other resources for stroke survivors and their loved ones. Content is presented in both English and Norwegian.
New York University Medical Center: Stroke Screening
Details concerning the Manhattan-based Center's no-cost preventive screening program for eligible seniors.
Service of the Rotary Club of Bombay, providing information on stroke prevention, recovery, and rehabilitation in Mumbai.
Stroke and Aphasia Information
Resources for stroke recovery, including home therapy tips and survivors' stories. Presented by Bungalow Software, a provider of rehabilitation programs.
Separating Myth and Fact: Women and Stroke
Article exploring women's special stroke risks.
HealthAtoZ: Stroke
Learn how to decrease your stroke risk, and look into available treatments and questions that you should ask your physician if you've just had a stroke.
Stroke Survivors Canada Ottawa
Supporting affected families with information about stroke causes, acute care, rehabilitation, financial issues, local services, and Web-based resources. Stroke: An Animated Guide
Visual introduction to ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, revealing the fundamental processes involved in each type of "brain attack." Stroke
Features prevention, diagnosis, and rehabilitation fact sheets, in addition to a risk survey.
Believe In Miracles
Online home of James Bradley, stroke survivor and author of "Elvis Was My Speech Therapist." Stroke
Discover information on stroke prevention, treatment, and recovery; check your personal risk level through an online quiz; and visualize stroke through multimedia presentations.
Veritas Medicine: Stroke
Personalized trial listings, fundamental information, and treatment reviews pertaining to stroke.
WebMD Interactives: Stroke
Six-part consumer guide focusing on strokes due to athersclerosis. Features include animations of plaque formation and blockage in an artery supplying the brain.
General Practice Notebook: Stroke
Clinical reference on ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. Covered topics include differential diagnosis, etiological determination, radiologic investigations, and management of patients within the National Service Framework.
NINDS Stroke Information Page
Introduction to stroke, with pointers to related fact sheets concerning symptoms, prevention, and rehabilitation. Presented by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, a division of the National Institutes of Health.
Transient Ischemic Attack
Information sheet on TIAs (which are also known as "mini strokes"). Compiled by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
NHSDirect - Stroke Homepage
Presented by the United Kingdom's National Health Service to assist surviors and families in locating needed stroke information. Topics include the symptoms and causes of stroke, local services, and issues of special concern to younger survivors.
Artists Recovering from Stroke
Submit your artwork for inclusion in an online gallery, view samples from an Australian exhibition, and learn more about post-stroke conditions that may influence works of art.
Stroke Awareness
Stanford Stroke Center's extensive, illustrated guide for stroke patients and their families.
eMedicine Health: Stroke
Consumer health resource center, providing information on the causes, symptoms, and urgent treatment of stroke.
Physiotherapy for Strokes
An overview of the role of physical therapy in stroke rehabilitation, provided by Heads Up!--a specialist neurological physiotherapy practice based in Surrey, England.
From the staff of the Mayo Clinic, a nine-page, consumer-oriented guide to stroke. Topics include risk factors and prevention, screening and diagnosis, treatment, and coping skills.
MerckSource: Stroke
Find background information about stroke--and quick links to online versions of The Merck Manual - Home Edition and Dorland's Medical Encyclopedia--through MerckSource.