Interviews and Chat Transcripts
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The Ambassador of Narcissism
Interview with Sam Vaknin regarding the narcissistic personality and its impact on society.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder Audio Interview
Audio interview regarding the Narcissistic Personality Disorder - its clinical and cultural dimensions.
Narcissists, Group Behaviour, and Terrorism
An interview in The Idler regarding pathological narcissism and its incidence in various ethnic, religious, or professional groups as well as its connection to terrorism and violent crime.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder Chat
A transcript of an interview about the Narcissistic Personality Disorder and pathological narcissism.
Relationships with Abusive Narcissists Chat Transcript
Types of abuse narcissists inflict upon their victims and the life the victim of the abusive narcissist.
Narcissism Radio Show
Hour long radio show about the Narcissistic Personality Disorder, abuse in relationships with narcissists, and listeners call-ins.
NPD Chat Transcript
Narcissistic personality disorder chat transcript - abusive relationships, divorce, idealization and devaluation, strategies or coping, and co-morbidity.
New Narc City
Narcissism as manifested in various social institutions - from Wall Street to the Catholic Church.
Narcissists in the Workplace Chat Transcript
Chat transcript regarding narcissists in the workplace - bosses, co-workers, colleagues, suppliers - and how to cope with them.
WebMD Narcissistic Personality Disorder Chat Transcript
WebMD Narcissistic Personality Disorder chat transcript.
The Infinite Mind - Narcissism
Interviews with mental health professionals, narcissists, and artists about the disorder and its implications.