Personal Pages
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Web Pages
Aikido and Survival
A personal experience with ostomy surgery.
A patient who experienced ulcerative colitis, going from a permanent ileostomy to a BCIR (appliance free).
Candy's Home Page
In February 1998, after treatment in hospital, she had an ileostomy due to ulcerative colitis.
Jennifer's Page
Jennifer is a 14 year old in Canada who has had J Pouch Surgery
Life with Fred
A non-medical look at one person's journey of living with an ostomy. Also home of the Fred Directory, linking all people with ostomies worldwide.
Living with an Ostomy
Personal account of not liking his ostomy, but learning to live with it.
Ostomy Poem
Found in a biography of J.B.S. Haldane. Haldane wrote it after being diagnosed with rectal cancer.
Rolf Benirschke: Winner of Convatec's "Great Comeback Award"
Rolf Benirschke was the placekicker for the San Diego Chargers for 10 years and set 16 team records before retiring as the third-most accurate kicker in NFL history. But what makes Rolf's career so remarkable is that he played while battling Ulcerative Colitis and after undergoing ileostomy surgery midway through his third season.
Tummy Trouble2
Kayla was born with Hirschsprungs Disease necessitating colostomy surgery. She is now 3 years old.
Up Close and Personal
The story of a gay ostomate.