Web Pages
HCT Associates
Information about the treatment of panic attacks, phobias and associated obsessions, including recovery groups, patient education, and medical information.
Panic Disorder
Information about effective treatment options for panic disorder.
Panic/Anxiety Disorders
A guide to exploring Panic/Anxiety Disorders, from
Panic Portal
A resource on anxiety and panic attacks compiled by people with first hand experience.
Panic and Anxiety Hub
Information and resources for people who experience panic attacks.
Panic Attacks, General Anxiety, and other Anxiety Disorders
Personal story, symptoms, treatment modailties, drug therapy, natural therapies, recommended reading and links.
Links to information on diagnosis and treatment of anxiety and panic disorders.
Pernilla's Panic Disorder
Information about panic disorder, anxiety and agoraphobia. Includes book suggestions, links, and a message board.
Personal Health Zone - Panic Disorder
Panic disorder information, resources, symptoms, treatments, and organizations.
Help! I think I'm dying!
Psychiatrist reviews methods for effective treatment of panic attacks and phobias.
The Panic Disorder Center of Los Angeles
Treatment center of panic disorder in Los Angeles.
Free from Panic
Bible based self-help techniques, daily journal, and personal testimony.
Chris Panic Attack Site
Advice on panic attacks from personal experience, chatroom and message board service for disscusion and support.
Panic Solutions
Self-help program for panic and agoraphobia, including pre-and post-intervention reports and fully-integrated self-help materials.
Advice and email support on how to try and overcome panic attacks., Inc.
Self-help treatment for overcoming panic attacks.
Treat Your Own Panic Disorder
Free guidance and information about panic attacks - causes, treatment, and self-help.
Experience of Panic Disorder
One person's struggle with Panic Disorder, including information about treatments.
The Panic Life
Online journal of a teenager with panic disorder.
Information, personal experience of living with panic attacks and anxiety, and interactive forum.
Teen Panic
Aimed at teenagers who suffer with panic attacks, anxiety, and panic disorders. Includes information on phobias and celebrities who also suffer from panic attacks.
The Christian Panic Attack Support Page
Helping individuals who suffer from panic attacks and phobias to deal with the disorder in a Christian-religious context.
The Panic Disorder Recovery Center
Information,resources and support for people who experience panic disorder, panic attacks, anxiety disorder and/or agoraphobia
No More Panic!
Help for sufferers of Panic, anxiety, phobias and OCD. Symptoms, coping, medications, personal stories, chat room, message board, Reiki, and hypnotherapy.
Meowzer's Page
Personal account of living with Panic Disorder, medication information and books.
Panic Anxiety Disorder Association
South Australian organization offers information about panic anxiety disorders, secondary conditions, dissociation, childhood anxiety and self-help methods.
MerckSource - Panic Attacks
Information on panic disorders, including causes, symptoms, and prognosis.
Panic Disorders: A Comprehensive Overview
Various models of panic disorder, overlooked biological/medical factors causing autonomic dysfunction, and treatment option.
Introduction to Panic Disorders
Information and resources on all types of panic disorders.
Panic Attack Help
Techniques to cope with and eliminate panic and anxiety attacks.
Cognitive way to overcome panic disorder, anxiety, and OCD leveraging them to become passionate, social, and functional.
Anxiety and Panic Attack Information
Overview of symptoms, causes, self tests and treatment options.
Panic Attacks
A discussion of anxiety and panic attacks based on personal experiences.