Personal Pages
Home>Mental_Health>Disorders>Mood>Bipolar_Disorder>Personal Pages
Web Pages
Focus on mental, temporal, spiritual and fictional.
Bipolar Disorder Digest
Defines the types of illness. Chat room, guides for teenagers and elderly, FAQ and history.
Teena's Bipolar Page
Life, links, support groups, research paper, webcam, journal, short stories and poetry.
A Better Place to Be
Poetry, journal, lyrics and book excerpts.
Clean Heart, Dirty Hands
Journey, hospitalization, over-medication, jail and acceptance of condition. [Contains frank language.]
My Asylum
Gateway to consumer-survivor art, diaries, and links.
Embracing the Fever
Experiences and coping skills.
Life with Bipolar Disorder
Diary, living with illness, poetry and music.
I May Be Different, but I'm OK
Views, experiences, lost friendships, description of the illness, history, photos and lyrics.
My Story of Depression, A Teenagers Life
Growing up with disorder.
Yellow Brick Road
Biography, journal, poetry, and medical information.
Living Manic Depressive
Diary, FAQ, coping ideas, other stories, description and links.
Catching a Darkness
Photos, letters, thoughts, poetry and links.
Eggshells between my Toes - Life with a Bipolar Spouse
Journal, links, advise, poetry, songs and anger as a tool.
The Mercurial Mind
Thoughts, topics, resources and visitor's center.
Manic Moments: A Bipolar's World
Experiences, links, support list, chat room, message board and news.
Bipolar Disorder: A Serious Condition
Description of the illness plus links.
Jeff Marks, Roller Coaster Ride
Experiences, coping skills and hope.
Ups and Downs, A Personal Account of a Bipolar Teen
Struggles, links, correspondence, school and medications.
Bipolar Not Bonkers
Christian site, story, questions, problems, links, artists, survey, thoughts, poetry and comments.
Bipolar Disorder Doesn't have to be Depressing
Medication information, budgeting elements, symptoms, lifestyle changes, poetry, story, prayer request, newsletter and book offerings.
Manic Depression Diary
Day-to-day account of living with illness, description of web ring and links.
The Edge of Madness
Symptoms, statistics, history, family photos, poetry, battles and successes, Jesus factor, pregnancy, coping strategies and links.
Mental Roller Coaster
Biography, biological or biomedical theory, automatic thoughts, emotional vacillation and repression.
Have a Heart
Links and story.
HealthyPlace: Bipolar Community
Journal, primer, spiritual growth and bulletin board.
Bipolar Rock Music
Lyrics, music clips, poetry, art and multimedia experience.
Faces of Mania - Words of Mania
Photos, pictures, and poetry.
Sunshine and Darkness
Thoughts and coping strategies.
Polar Bear Page
Statement of patient's wife and links.
Private Thoughts
Poetry, journal and biography.
D.J.'s Story
Mother's statement concerning her son's screening and treatment. Also links.
Bi-Polar Testimony
History, sermon outlines, prayer wall, music and art.
Profile, links and poetry.
Notes from Bipolar Gals and Guys
Diagnosis stories, thoughts and poetry.
Another Lesson in Manic Depression
Journal entries discussing thoughts and feelings over a period of time.
Dear Francesca
History, thoughts and letters.
Manic Depression/Bipolar Disorder
Illness defined, humor, poetry and FAQ.
Living with the Dragon
Story from the spouse of a sufferer, coping skills strategies, rage page, terminology, poetry and links.
Riding the Three-headed Dragon
History, book list, gripes and journal.
Basket Weaving for Beginners
Notes on survival, record of episodes, mood music and links.
Bipolar Disorder Can Be Misdiagnosed
Experience of misdiagnosis, illness described and defined, pharmacology suggestions and notes of sufferers.
Here there be Dragons
Statements on illness, symptoms, treatment, living with the disease, creativity, misconceptions and links.
Violetmoon Bipolar Global Community
Member statements, e-group, questionnaires, articles, book list and links. [Contains frank language.]
Angelbaby's World
Biography, abuse, eating disorder, self-injury, poetry and links.
Bipolar Buddies
Coping with disorder, story, message, biography, links, song and guestbook.
Shadowed Child
Dated account of suffering with illness, photos and poetry. [Contains frank language.]
Braids on the Wall
A book of poems and images dealing with the madness of bipolor disorder and brain trauma. Displays an assortment from the book and information about the author.
Cat's Paw Specialties
Information, diagnosis, family problems, thoughts and ideas, art and suicide attempt.
Butterfly with a Black Demon
Stories, Christian areas, illness described, diagnosis, coping, living with a mate, teens, poetry, alternate approaches, links and prayer requests. [Membership Required]
Bipolar Seesaw
Discusses the illness, depression, stress and suicide. Contains links, journal and poetry.
Bipolar Disorder - Seek His Face
Christian perspective, experiences, bible verses, medications, prayer, question and answer section.
Have a Heart's Depression Resource
Episodes, theory, stay focused and remain grounded.
Illness demystified, quotes, observations and medication.
North of Normal
Shaun's story, pictures, symptoms and links.
The Solace Sanctuary
Individual story, bulletin board, chat, poetry and links.
Welcome to Bipolar World
Individual stories, news items, bookstore, reviews, chat, support, dianosis, self-injury and links.
Will I Go Crazy?
Individual story and Q&A.
Learn about Manic Depression
Experiences, writings and book list.
Manic Depression (Bipolar)
Biography, illness differentiated, medications with side effects, book list and links.
Bipolar Diaries, Bipolar Journals
Illness explained from the viewpoint of the sufferer in journal format.
Manic Depression
Advice, medications and descriptors of the illness.
Jane's Mental Health Source Page
Articles, stories, links, updates, bookstore, survey and art.
Bipolar Does Not Mean I Attract Metal Filings
Introducing the ailment, identification, living with the malady, coping with memory loss, discussing mental illness, parenting on the edge, homelessness, poems, stories, webring and links.
Planet Abyss
Journey through the life a woman living with bipolar disorder. Includes a journal, resources, links, and humor.
Kathryn's Corner
Essays on systemic madness, points of view, postcards and links.
Odyssey: A Narrative about Bipolar Disorder
Biography of author, stories, contact, downloads, and correspondence.
Bipolar Balancing Act
Personal stories of struggles and triumphs with manic-depression.
My Struggle with Bipolar Disorder
My story, feeling down, anger, suicide is painless, stigma, links, how the illness feels, dreams, behind the masks, blame it on the disorder, myths of mental illness, some days are diamonds, denial and contact.
Patient and family libraries, medication room, artist's studio, hall of fame, Bipolar and the Church, terms and contact.
Christian Manic Depression and O.C.D.
The journey of a born-again Christian to the extremes of manic psychosis, severe depression, and obsessive-compulsive-driven lack of assurance of salvation
Jereon's Creations Exploring Musical Moods
Young Artist explores his Bipolar Disorder through musicin MIDI format and articles.