Lung Cancer         
Web Pages
Review - The Female Smoker: From Addiction to Recovery.
Book review.
Women's Health Project: Tobacco Advertising and Women
NOW pamphlet. "Within six years of the tobacco industry's introduction of cigarette brands and ad campaigns targetting women, the number of girls smoking increased 110%." Factsheet and research references.
Cigarettes More Dangerous to Women
According to recent research.
Smoking's a Drag for Women
Article from the Toronto Sun about smoking cessation.
Smoking and Women: The Next Wave of the Global Epidemic
World Health Organiziation fact sheet.
ACSH: Health Advice in Women's Magazines: Up in Smoke?
Dr. Elizabeth Whelan reviewed 13 magazines across 5 months, and finds they emphasize nonexistent or trivial health risks, while largely overlooking major causes of disease, particularly smoking.
You've Come a Long Way...or Have You?
From the American Council on Science and Health a survey of 13 magazines over two years shows that women's magazines still downplaying health effects of smoking. The ratio of cigarette ads to articles on smoking is actually increasing.
Young Women and Smoking
"Each day in the United Stated about 1,500 girls being smoking. Nearly all first use of tobacco occurs before high school graduation...Data show an abrupt increase in smoking initiation in girls under age 18 around 1967, when tobacco advertising introduced specific brands of cigarettes for women."
International Network of Women against Tobacco (INWAT)
Founded in 1990 by women tobacco control leaders to address the complex issues of tobacco use among women and young girls.
Tobacco and Women's Health
Book review of book of same title.
Women, Girls and Tobacco: The Global Facts and the Challenge
Short paper on women and tobacco; tobacco promotion to women and girls; global impact of tobacco on women; recommendations for action.
Tobacco Companies Exploit Women, says WHO
Tobacco companies are exploiting women's struggle for equal rights by creating the impression that tobacco makes women more confident, more sexually attractive, and more in control of their own destiny, says a World Health Organization report.
ACSH: Tobacco and Women's Health: A Survey of Popular Women's Magazines, August 1999-August 2000
Follow-up to earlier ACSH research finds women's magazines still give little or no coverage to lung cancer or other health effects of smoking, and still take plenty of cigarette ads, and still dispense plenty of other health advice.
Why Cigarettes Can be a Woman's Worst Enemy
Smoking increases your risk of cervical and rectal cancer; worsens your period; damages your fertility; hurts your unborn baby; ages you; attacks your heart.
Teenage Girls as the Target of the Tobacco Industry
Factsheet from the American Lung Association. How the industry targets girls in its advertising and promotion; what results it has gotten.
Smoking and Quitting for Women
From the National Women's Health Information Center.
Cigarette Smoking During Pregnancy
New evidence that cigarette smoking during pregnancy can cause attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, aggressive behavior disorders and lower math and reading scores in children.
The Marketing of Cigarettes to Women
Academic article documents trends and effects of tobacco industry marketing to women.
Women First - Smoking Cessation
"For women approaching midlife, smoking cessation is the single most important change you can make to enhance your life expectancy." Collection of articles on smoking and quitting for women.
Women and Smoking
Chapter in a book on tobacco in the UK.
Tobacco as a Problem for Women
Collection of articles on tobacco impacts on women.
Smoking and Reproduction
ASH-UK Factsheet covers smoking and cervical cancer, fertility, pregnancy, menopause, oral contraceptives, fetal growth and birth weight, spontaneous abortion, complications of pregnancy, perinatal mortality, secondhand smoke and pregnancy, children's health and long-term growth.
You're Going Too Far, Baby: Cigarette Makers Woo Women in the Developing World
Village Voice article. Tobacco industry developed its "smoking = liberation" message for women in the U.S. in the 1970's; now it's exporting that message to promote tobacco to women globally.
Cigarette Companies Blow Smoke In Women's Eyes
Newspaper article outlines a few ways cigarettes are promoted to women.
Japan Ads Sell Women On Smoking
US tobacco companies run ads in Japan for brands such as Virginia Slims using images of liberated, Western, cosmopolitan women. Over the same period, the number of female smokers has climbed, young women in particular
Women Suffer Huge Rise in Lung Disease
Chronic lung disease in women almost doubled in the 1990s as smoking began to show its effects.
Countering Tobacco Marketing Towards Females
The National Coalition FOR Women AGAINST Tobacco reports that advertising that targets women and girls has actually increased since the tobacco settlement.
Smoking-Related Deaths On The Rise Among American, French Women
Smoking-related illnesses and deaths among American and French women have risen sharply in recent years, despite vigorous anti-smoking campaigns on a global scale, says a Penn State researcher.
Women and Tobacco
WHO report. Women as the tobacco industry sees them; health effects of tobacco specific to women; women's brands and 'light' cigarettes.
Facts on Women and Tobacco
Fact sheet from the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
Creating a Global Tobacco Culture Among Women
Book chapter explores tobacco industry promotion worldwide targeting women.
The Wrong Way to Stay Slim
Editorial from the New England Journal of Medicine looks at the connection between body image, advertising, and smoking.
Philip Morris: National Expert on Women
Once-secret memo, the Virginia Slims Opinion Poll Public Relations Plan, documents a PR campaign that Philip Morris ran to position itself as the "most authoritative chronicler of women's issues".
Women, Heart Disease and Smoking
Factsheet from NIH.
Our Health vs. Their Profits: the Lure of Smoking Continues for Girls
Essay from editors of Our Bodies, Ourselves reflects on the progress not made when it comes to women, girls, and smoking.
Mediascope Issue Briefs - Women and Smoking
Factsheet, all sources cited; tobacco industry promotion to women; smoking and women's health.
Tobacco and Women - Trends and Strategies for Quitting
Dr. Susan Stewart gives the trends, the outcomes, and your personal options in ordinary language.
Smoking is a Women's Issue
Report from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids covers harm to women from tobacco products, promotion to women and girls by the tobacco industry.
Fatal Attraction: Lifting the Smokescreen
Offers a women's guide to stopping smoking, and information for healthcare professionals.
Catching Our Breath: A Journal About Change for Women who Smoke
Written by women for women; explores some of the problems women must overcome to quit smoking, or to reduce the amount they smoke. Also explores why women smoke as well as ways to cope and relax without smoking.
The New Face of Tobacco: Women
Znet article surveys tobacco industry marketing to women in the US and worldwide.
ivillage: Smoking and Women
Why tobacco products are more harmful to women; dimensions of the problem nationally; quitting; prevention.
Women's Cigarette Market
1973 R. J. Reynolds memo discusses it marketing strategies targeting women.
The Tobacco Reference Guide: Women and Smoking
Current and historical trends documented from a book on tobacco.
The Tobacco Reference Guide: Pregnancy and Fertility
Factsheets on tobacco and congenital anomalies, fertility and menopause, general effects, miscarriage, and low birth weight.
Christy Turlington: Not Just A Cover Model- A Role Model
Turlington writes about her own story of tobacco addiction and losing a loved one to lung cancer.
Background on Women & Girls and Tobacco
Campaign For Tobacco-Free Kids backgrounder covers cigarette promotions targeting women and girls. In PDF.
U.S. Tobacco Makers Targetted Women Since '20s
ABC News article provides a quick summary of the long history.
Higher death risk for women smokers
Women are twice as likely to develop an untreatable form of lung cancer than men, according to the UK's biggest lung cancer study.
Scientist Deplores Philip Morris' "Woman Thing" Music Campaign as Latest Enticement to Young Girls
A public health expert and other prominent speakers deplore "Philip Morris' latest move to entice young girls to smoke: the "Woman Thing" music campaign where girls get "free" CD's by buying two packs of Virginia Slims cigarettes.
Virginia SLAM!
Leslie Nuchow began Virginia SLAM! as a counter movement against the Virginia Slims record label, Woman Thing Music. Virginia SLAM! produced two SLAM! concerts in 1997 and 1998, featuring the Indigo Girls and Shawn Mullins that focused on keeping the tobacco industry out of music.
Pregnancy and smoking: a lethal combination
Information on how much harm tobacco products cause during and after pregnancy.
Zyban may be better than nicotine to help women snuff tobacco habit
Recent research finds Zyban is more effective than nicotine patches or gum for women quitting smoking.
Women's Magazines Cover Up Health Risks
Congressional testimony on why women's magazines, while reporting widely on health topics, have a near complete lack of coverage on smoking.
OnHealth: Smokeless Tobacco Increases Breast Cancer Risk
Spit tobacco increases a woman's risk of breast cancer.
Women and Smoking
Factsheet compiled by the Missouri Department of Health.
Secondhand Smoke Causes Women Decreased Lung Function
Secondhand smoke causes decreased lung function in women, especially women with asthma, according to a recent study.
Sluts against Butts
Features women bent on holding the tobacco companies responsible.
Women and Smoking
Discusses effects of smoking on women and the steps to smoking cessation.
Smokey Imagery and the 7 Deadly Myths describes tobacco industry use of images of thin, liberated women, enjoying an active, love-filled life, to get women to smoke.
Independence From Smoking
National Women's Health Information Center provides information and resources to empower women and girls, and the people they love, to gain independence from smoking.
Women Face Unique Risks From Smoking Says Surgeon General's Report
The marked increase in the number of women who die each year from tobacco products has led the surgeon general to call smoking-related disease among women a full-blown epidemic.
Speakers Kit: Tobacco and Women
Slides ready for presentation on tobacco advertising and women, diseases caused by tobacco, myths and facts about tobacco and cancer, smoking and reproductive health, and secondhand smoke and women.
A Primer on Women and Tobacco: The Leading American Epidemic
Report in PDF format from the American Medical Students Association on tobacco marketing, tobacco use, and women.
Background on Women and Girls and Tobacco
Pamphlet from the Partnership for Smoking or Health (Missouri health group).
Tobacco, and Women and Young People
Chapter from a book by the British Medical Association examines women and smoking.
Women's Health Project: Tobacco Advertising and Women
NOW Foundation fact sheet.
Torches of Freedom
Themes of Women's Liberation in American Cigarette Advertising; a paper presented at the Southwest / Texas Popular Culture Association Convention. In PDF.
States, Women's Groups Slow To Address Women's Smoking
Article examines why women's groups spend almost no time fighting lung cancer, even though it kills more women than breast cancer.
Smoking Is Ugly
Created Christy Turlington to raise awareness about the effects of smoking, smoking related diseases and lung cancer. "More women died of lung cancer in 2002 than of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer combined" Facts and quitting info.
Women and Smoking
American Legacy Foundation tobacco education campaign features real women battling very real tobacco-related illnesses light emphysema, lung cancer, and throat cancer, and highlights their real parting letters to their family and loved ones.
Smoking: A Guide for Teens
Center for Young Women's Health in Boston provides short factsheet aimed at teen women.
The Truth About "Light" Cigarettes
Women's Cancer Network explains why the lower tar and nicotine numbers are misleading, the cigarettes are designed to trick the smoking machines, and light cigarettes are no less lethal.
16. Women and smoking
Chapter in a book on smoking in Australia.
Marketing Cigarettes to Women - Fact Sheet
CDC pamphlet covers history of cigarette advertising strategies, current advertising strategies, sponsorships and promotions, and global advertising strategies.
Adverse Effects of Tobacco Smoking on Reproduction
"Cigarette smoking is not only harmful to an individual. It is particularly detrimental during the reproductive period, when it may not only harm the unborn child, but may also damage the reproductive capacity of the next generation."
This Kills Women: Do Feminist Groups Even Care?
Washington Post article examines why women's groups say little about the leading cause of preventable death among women; one factor covered is tobacco industry money accepted by women's groups.
Recruiting Women Smokers: The Engineering of Consent
Summarizes research on how cigarette advertisers structure their messages and images to get more women to smoke.
Smoking: Effects on Mothers and Babies in West Virginia
Matched Birth and Death Certificate data tell a grim tale, and a short discussion gives the story behind the data.
Cigarettes Cause More Damage to Women
Recent research finds that cigarettes cause more disease in women.
Cigarette Ads Targetting Women
A collection of cigarette ads targetting women, from a gallery of cigarette ads.
Tobacco Advertising and Women: Virginia Slims Advertising
You've come a long way baby. A collection of Virginia Slimds ads shows how cigarettes were pushed in the 70's.
Cigarettes Linked to Breast Cancer
Summary of recent research. Women and Cigarettes
Collection of ABC reporting on women, smoking, quitting, and tobacco industry marketing to women.
Cigarette Advertising and Magazine Coverage of the Hazards of Smoking: A Statistical Analysis
Research concludes that "cigarette advertising in magazines is associated with diminished coverage of the hazards of smoking. This is particularly true for magazines directed to women."
Women and Smoking
A 2001 report of the U.S. Surgeon General which includes patterns of tobacco used among women, graphs, statistical data, how to quit, state information, links.
Smoke-Free Families: Know a Pregnant Smoker?
Benefits of quitting for you and your baby, resources that will help you quit smoking and stay quit, and how to contact Smoke-Free Families.
Smoking Cessation During Pregnancy
Webcast video to help pregnant women stop smoking.
Tobacco Advertising
Gallery of tobacco ads, some exploiting women, some targetting women.
June Russell's Health Facts: Smoking - Women
Factsheet on tobacco products and their effects on women, children, and families.
Ladies Home Journal on Smoking
Smoking quiz, quitting tips, and dealing with withdrawal symptoms.
The National Partnership to Help Pregnant Smokers Quit
Dedicated to smoking cessation methods and education about health issues arising from pregnancy and smoking. "We help pregnant women quit smoking."