Web Pages
Asbestos Fibers - Pathology
Pathology of ferruginous bodies around asbestos fibers lodged in the lung.
Diagnosis of Diffuse Lung Disease: Asbestosis
Physician's guide to diagnosis, from the University of Iowa.
Asbestosis Hub
Information and links to information and resources related to asbestosis. Includes articles about clinical trials and treatment, images and slides, directories, statistics and news.
Questions and Answers About Asbestos Exposure
Information from the National Cancer Institute about asbestos exposure and diseases like asbestosis.
Asbestosis Disease
Discussion by doctors at Creighton University School of Medicine about asbestosis, symptoms, prognosis, and symptomatic treatment.
Asbestosis and dust diseases
Information about asbestosis, silicosis and other dust diseases, from Canadian Lung Association.