Traditional Chinese Medicine
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Web Pages
Acupuncture for Animals
Newsletter article, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois.
Acupuncture for Pets
When conventional drug therapy couldn't help her arthritic collie, Pat Green tried one last option: the pins and needles of veterinary acupuncture.
Acupuncture in the Treatment of Animals
Information from on animal acupuncture from the Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance.
Acupuncture in Thoracolumbar Disk Disease
ProVet healthcare information article.
Animal Acupuncture Academy
Australian web site for people who want to learn to do acupuncture on animals.
Evidence that Acupuncture Reduces Pain in Animals
Article on increasing acceptance of animal acupuncture.
Laser Therapy in Veterinary Acupuncture
Article written by Dr. Uwe Petermann. The remainder of the site is in German.
Phil Rogers Veterinary Acupuncture Homepage
An Irish Vet. This site contains an international index of veterinary acupuncture practitioners and provides a database of 'cookbook' acupuncture points and a database of acupoint locations.
Veterinary Acupuncture Page
Resources for Veterinary Acupuncturists, including links, an e-mail list, and a schedule of veterinary acupuncture events.
Cat's Owner Gives Acupuncture a Shot
St. Petersburg Times article.
Acupuncture Therapy in Small Animal Practice
S Altman--Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian, 1997, 19, 11,1233
Natures Herbs for Pets
Chinese Herbal Medicines for your pets.
White Crane Brand Herbal Supplements
Natural Solutions Inc, is the home of White Crane Brand Chinese Herbal Supplements. Specializing in alternative veterinary therapies and holistic medicine for your pet.
Veterinary NAET
The Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique NAET is a diagnostic and treatment technique, based on the principles of Chinese Medicine. Evaluation and treatment consists of simple muscle response testing of various substances to determine the existence and extent of allergic sensitivities.
Veterinary NAET
by Ihor Basko, DVM.