Premature Ejaculation
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Web Pages
Sexual Healing - Premature Ejaculation
An in depth look at this disorder and what can be done about it.
Clinical Trial Participation
Center Watch link-list of clinics that offer clinical research trials.
Sexual Health infoCenter
A look at this disorder as to what it is, how it is caused and some techniques that may be of some assistance.
Sexuality Advice
Lists of several Internet resources for to premature ejaculation.
Health Education Program
Covers the problematic of premature ejaculation when having "real sex".
Advice on Correcting Premature Ejaculation
Site provides correction techniques for men who have premature ejaculation problems.
Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
Clinical practice guidelines for the evaluation and treatment of male sexual dysfunctions focused on premature ejaculation.
Iowa Clinic
Definition, causes, incidence, and risk factors of premature ejaculation.
University of Toronto Sexual Education Center
Written by Anthony Fiore, Ph.D., this article provides a comprehensive definition of premature ejaculation and lists some of the more common methods to cope with the condition.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Describes how practitioners of TCM in China resolve impotence and premature ejaculation in a special way.
Male Health Center
Explanations of several treatment methods of premature ejaculation.
Premature Ejaculation Information from WebMD
In-depth definition of this disorder including causes, symptoms, expectations and prevention.