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Web Pages
Hydrocephalus Center
Patient centered guide to hydrocephalus information, resources, and reading material.
H-Tx Rat - Hydrocephalus Research
University of Florida Brain Institute official page informs about hydrocephalus research, particularly that occurring in the fetus and at birth. Hazel C. Jones, Ph.D.
Pediatric Neurosurgery, P.A. - Orlando
Childhood Hydrocephalus overview of treatments, prognosis, and glossary of terms. Resources and references provided.
MEDLINEplus: Hydrocephalus
Overview, clinical trials, pictures and diagrams, organizations and treatment information.
All about NPH
Offers details about normal pressure hydrocephalus, including treatment, screening tests, find a physician and a support center.
University of Adelaide - Hydrocephalus
Diagrams, charts and photos with information on hydrocephalus. Treatment and surgical procedure overview.
Pediatric Nuerosurgery - Hydrocephalus
Columbia-Presbyterian overview of causes and treatments. Hydrocephalic shunt system highlights.
New York University - Hydrocephalus
Centers on innovations in the treatment of hydrocephalus, and the problems that must be considered by the treating physicians, parents, and schools as hydrocephalic children grow into adulthood.
Childhood Hydrocephalus
Clinical features, treatment, and information on the Slit-Ventricle Syndrome. Arno H. Fried, M.D., Mel H. Epstein, M.D.
NINDS: Hydrocephalus
Information sheet compiled by The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Hydrocephalus Hub
A brief definition followed by links to overviews, research articles, case reports, images and organizations.
Pediatric on Call
Offers information about hydrocephalus in children and its management.
ASBAH - Hydrocephalus
A series of three articles on hydrocephalus and its treatment by Dr Roger Bayston, honorary consultant of Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus.
DrKoop.com - Hydrocephalus
Medical Encyclopedia article on causes, types, symptoms, treatments, and complications resulting from the fluid build-up caused by hydrocephalus.
General Practice Notebook - Hydrocephalus
Clinically-oriented information on the different types.
Hydrocephalus Fact Sheet
Provides information about the condition, treatment, complications, outcomes and research.