Personal Pages
Home>Conditions_and_Diseases>Neurological_Disorders>Hydrocephalus>Personal Pages
Web Pages
Mafalda's Homepage
Experiences with hydrocephalic daughter, information, photos and updates on progress. (English/Portuguese)
The Riccio Boys
Photos and family updates on the Riccio brothers. Family updates and hydrocephalus treatment information.
Sarah's Story
Accounts a parents' experiences with their daughter through diagnosis and treatments during her first two years.
Steve Drake's Hydrocephalus
Writings, presentations, reports and bibliographical account of living with hydrocephalus. Resources and related information available.
Simon Allanach's Hydrocephalus
Simon's interests and information about hydrocephalus and personal experiences. Relates causes, treatments, complications, and procedures.
The Rafel's
Family photos, stories and updates. Sarah, oldest of three girls, was born premature and lives with hydrocephalus; shunted since one month old.
A Miracle Named Kerri
Personal story of Kerri's experiences with congenital hydrocephalus, shunting and a Craniectomy. Photo gallery and poems.
Andrew and Anna Fuller
Family pictures and stories by Andrew. Highlights about his little sister, Anna, a shunted hydrocephalic.
Kori's Story
Personal information, photos, and updates about Kori, diagnosed with hydrocephalus and shunted at age two months.
Melissa's Journey
A personal story of the hope and courage of a young woman's struggles against hydrocephalus and over 40 shunt revisions.
VP Shunt Implant - It's a Lifetime Thing
A mother's advice and personal story of raising her daughter. Information and descriptions of diagnostic tests and treatments for hydrocephalus.
A Journey to Hydrocephalus
A parent's description of the diagnosis and ongoing adventure of her daughter's life with this disorder.
Ashley Nicole Schmit
Memorial tribute in memory of her sister who was born with hydrocephalus.
Ryan's Hydrocephalus Page
Details the birth, development, and special needs of this special boy born in 1998 with hydrocephalus.
Rhianna Allen Memorial
A memorial to a special little girl and her dealings with premature birth, hydrocephalus, ventriculoperitoneal shunt(or VP shunts), and premature death.
Laura's Story with her Hydrocephalus
Features their little daughter, Laura. She was born premature, had IVH and hydrocephalus. Read her story and meet the family.
Kristen's Hydrocephalus Links and Information
Kristen, a young woman living with congenital Hydrocephalus shares her journey to adulthood. Features links to medical resources, support groups, and HYCEPH-L, an e-mail discussion list.
Darren, Barbara, and Callum Skinner
Features Callum, a boy living with hydrocephalus and slit ventricle syndrome.
Julia's Journey
Support and information for families who have children or loved ones with the disabling birth defect spina bifida and hydrocephalus.
Tim and Hydrocephalus
Features their son who was born with hydrocephalus and oesophagusatresi.