News and Media         
Web Pages
United States Centers for Disease Control
Complete and official information for the public and health care providers, including information for patients and their close contacts.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Symptoms and treatment guidelines, travel advisory, and daily outbreak updates. From the World Health Organization (WHO).
Atypical Pneumonia
Admission statistics, ways for the public to reduce their chances of contracting respiratory illnesses, and details of steps taken by the government to contain the illness. From the Hong Kong Department of Health.
UK Public Health Laboratory Service
Press releases, case counts, and guidance for the public and health care professionals.
The Truth About SARS
Basic facts, estimates of the doubling time of the epidemic, and outlines of best-case and worst-case scenarios. Also discusses the need for more basic research on viral diseases.
Case Definitions for Surveillance of SARS
Official criteria for suspect and probable cases from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Toronto Public Health: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
General information about the disease for the public, child care and school workers, and health care professionals. Discussion of the quarantine measures to be taken during the public health emergency in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tamil, and French.
InteliHealth: SARS
Information and special commentaries from the faculty of Harvard Medical School.
Health Canada: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Updates on Canadian cases of the disease, description of its symptoms, and travel advisory.
Radiological Appearances of Recent Cases of Atypical Pneumonia in Hong Kong
Radiological and CT features of SARS, with many sample images. From the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital.
SARS 2003 Hong Kong
Autopsy and cytological findings, with pictures of pertinent specimens, assembled by a group of doctors and pathologists in Hong Kong. Intended to assist other clinicians in diagnosis.
NIAID Research on SARS
Information on the research program of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, US.
SARS as the movie "12 Monkeys" circa 2003
An attempt to document the history and spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and its impact on society as it happens.
The Facts About SARS
A comprehensive guide to SARS, with articles by a team of science journalists at the Australian Broadcasting Corp. It details what is known about the outbreak, the virus, the ensuing panic and known symptoms and treatments.
Children and SARS
Discusses whether kids are at risk for SARS, common symptoms, and what parents should do to protect their children from severe acute respiratory syndrome.
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Information about the imaging and pathology of SARS.
MEDLINEplus : Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
News, links and information from The United States National Library of Medicine.
Center for the Study of Emerging Infections
Fact sheets, education and training, and official remarks and reports by Saint Louis University, School of Public Health.
Government Views of SARS
Several online primary resources about SARS, including government documents.
SARS Watch
Weblog featuring news, analysis, and resources.
General information and guidelines for travellers. [English, German and French.]
SARS Education
General information, travel information and recomendations for those in close contact.
University of Hong Kong: SARS
Information for students and employees, including guidelines and protocols. [Some information in Chinese.]
SARS Relief
Details of an organisation dedicated to providing accurate and updated information. Includes precautionary measures, action plan and FAQ.
Beijing SARS Fever
Personal site offering statistics, analysis and photos.
SARS Advice and Information
Information for employers, travellers and the general public. Offers news reports, links and questions.
SARS Newswire
News articles categorised by subject and country.
SARS Cases
Graphical representation of worldwide cases.
Vads Corner
Collected references on the disease and related topics, including general press, medical journals, and public health departments of affected countries.
SARS Message Board
Areas covered includes news, treatment, research and travel.
SARS Attacks!
Organized news and information links, current SARS statistics, pictures and forum.
Singapore MOH: Press Releases
Current SARS related press releases, with links to current quarantine information.
Presents alternative opinion that the disease is merely a social experiment.
Taiwan Dept of Health SARS Issues
FAQ, case counts, local updates, and advisory to air travellers.
Australian Dept of Health and Aging
Surveillence updates, and information for healthcare staff, border and airport staff, and the general public.
the sars art project
SARS related art by varied artists.
Canadian SARS Research Network
Research from a scientific team of infectious disease clinicians, epidemiologists, immunologists, and virologists.