News and Media
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Web Pages
CBC News: SARS - The Mystery Illness
Background information, worldwide and Canadian disease statistics, and archived news stories from this public network.
CNN Special Report: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Latest news reports, with symptoms list, media, and links.
Sydney Morning Herald: SARS
Special coverage of the outbreak, with emphasis on Australian cases and Asian travel issues. SARS
News coverage from the Associated Press and staff reporters, including local stories from the Washington, DC, US metropolitan area.
Fears Mount Over Deadly Bug
Hong Kong establishes quarantine camps as a deadly pneumonia virus claims more victims. [BBC News]
Deadly Pneumonia Hurts Tourism in Hong Kong
Slower business at hotels and restaurants is a bad sign for a city already struggling to climb out of a recession. [Voice of America (VOA)]
School closed after three students fall ill
A Scarborough elementary school has been closed for the rest of the week after three kindergarten students came down with fevers. Officials stress that the fevers are not known to be SARS. [The Toronto Star]
Deadly Virus Infects Five People Who Toured Beijing
Members of a tour group have fallen ill after returning to Hong Kong. [Reuters]
New suspect in super-pneumonia outbreak
Several labs have found a coronavirus in SARS patients. One possibility is that the disease might be caused by both that and the previously isolated paramyxovirus acting in tandem. [New Scientist]
Singapore Imposes Quarantine to Stop SARS Spreading
740 people who may have had contact with patients are ordered to remain at home. [ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)]
Breakthrough in Fight Against Super-Pneumonia
A diagnostic test for the virus, with information and related stories and links. [New Scientist]
Canadian scientists identify specific virus in samples from six SARS patients
The finding of human metapneumovirus (a paramyxovirus) only adds to the mystery.
The Deadly Effects of Suppressed Info
The new, sometimes fatal, pneumonia-like disease got a head start in China because the country lacks a free press to dig out the truth. [BusinessWeek Online]
Taiwan demands separate representation in WHO pneumonia outbreak
Because China blocks international agencies from recognizing Taiwan, the World Health Organization has never been able to help the island cope with epidemics. [China Post]
'Atypical pneumonia' kills two in China
A husband and wife have died in a Beijing hospital, but it is unknown whether these cases are related to the South China SARS outbreak. [Radio Australia News]
4 more die in mystery illnesses in Asia
Overview of the spread of the disease, and reassurances by Hong Kong officials that it is not spread by casual contact. [International Herald Tribune]
New germ may be cause of killer 'flumonia'
Overview of what is known so far. [Independent Online]
Virus Causing Deadly Pneumonia Revealed
Indications that Acute Respiratory Syndrome is a member of the paramyxovirus family. [New Scientist]
Deadly Pneumonia Spreads
"A deadly form of pneumonia is moving rapidly around the world as travellers from parts of Asia spread the disease, creating new suspected cases in Britain, Germany, Australia and the United States." [The Toronto Star]
Mysterious Illness may be New Disease
Reviews what is known so far about the disease. [San Francisco Chronicle]
Mystery Illness Continues to Spread
Review of SARS cases and possible causes. [MSNBC]
Mystery Outbreak's Global Reach Grows
Update on the spreading disease. [The Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
Researchers May Have Pinpointed Virus Behind Mystery Ailment
Update on the viral research into the etiology of SARS. [Canadian Press]
World Gears up for 'Killer Flu'
Disease information and containment efforts. [News24]
Fears Spread Over Deadly Virus
Health officials struggle to contain the spread of a "mystery illness" reported across continents. [BBC News]
Killer Bug Looks Like a Virus
Overview of the severe acute respiratory syndrome. [Wired News]
Officials Say Fatal Asia Malady Could be a Flu or a New Virus
"A deadly, mysterious respiratory illness spread largely among health care workers in Asia could be a new strain of flu or even an exotic virus passed from animals to people, a health official said yesterday." [The Star-Ledger]
World Put on Alert for Severe Pneumonia
Announcement of the global alert issued by the World Health Organization. [New Scientist]
New York Times: Science Special - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Archived news coverage. (Free registration required.)
SARS Toll Rises to 78 Worldwide
The epidemic has been brought under control in China, and good hygiene will prevent further spread in Hong Kong. [Shanghai Daily]
Worry Outpaces Spread of SARS in Area
"It is a disease without cure, although most people with SARS have been treated with aspirin, fluids, and bed rest and have recovered." [Boston Globe]
Airlines Go On Alert Over Mystery Pneumonia
Flight crews are told to screen out sick passengers. [Independent Online]
The SARS Farce
Opinion that the small number of cases in Hong Kong's massive population does not justify the widespread panic and disruption that fear of the virus is causing. [spiked]
Do Surgical Masks Stop SARS?
Analysis showing that common masks offer only limited protection, but that the perception of protection may be more important. [Slate] : Full SARS Coverage
Current and archived news stories from the network and the Reuters wire service.
People's Daily: SARS in China and Abroad
Archived news coverage, including interviews with cured patients, details of cooperation with the WHO, and discussion of the measures that have prevented the spread of the disease.
Yahoo! News Full Coverage: SARS
Hub for hundreds of news articles and stories.
Status of the SARS outbreak
Overview of events since recognition of this outbreak as major global concern. Explains why this is more serious than outbreaks of other new infectious diseases in the last years. [WHO]
Sars Victim Who Infected 133 Will Remain in Quarantine
Authorities consider what to do with one of the disease's earliest victims. [The Independent Newspaper] [Fee required to read full article.]
TIME Asia: Living in a Hot Zone
Jim Erickson looks at the outbreak's medical and economic repercussions.
Doctor Alleges Beijing Cover-Up Over SARS Crisis
A senior Chinese physician accused his government yesterday of covering up details of the spread of the SARS virus in Beijing, raising fears that the crisis may be worse than previously thought. [The Scotsman]
China's SARS Problem, and Ours
How China's totalitarian government put the rest of the world at risk to the new virus. [The Daily Standard]
Health - network
Sars News Online
Newsletter and website updates to current related news.
CBC News: Disclosure - Dead Silence
The Chinese government was accused of failing to disclose the outbreak of SARS, but where was the World Health Organization in all of this?
Looking beyond SARS
Features audio clips of the radio program series, a fact sheet and timeline on SARS, commentary, and links to related coverage. By NPR National Public Radio.
SARS Reference
Online textbook reviewing available medical information.
Executive Order on Quarantinable Diseases
Statement from US HHS director that the Public Health Service has added SARS to the list of quarantinable communicable diseases, in order to keep all options open.
SARS Affects the Health of Air Travel
Examines the affects that fear of the disease is having on international airlines. []
New England Journal of Medicine: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Early release of several articles dealing with the outbreak in Hong Kong and Canada.
Pneumonia Causes Panic in Guangdong Province
In the absence of official information, rumors magnified the epidemic out of proportion. [, formerly British Medical Journal]
SARS News -
News on SARS collected from diverse sources on the web.