Web Pages
Measuring Cigarette Exposure
Annotated bibliography of scientific papers mostly on measurement of exposure to secondhand smoke.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Exposure Measurements and Prevalence
Scientific report breaks down tobacco smoke constituents, their physical and chemical properties, and indoor air concentrations.
Constituents of Tobacco Smoke: What's in a puff?
What gets breathed out as well as in.
Smoke-Free For Health - Studies
Collection of recent research studies on health effects of secondhand smoke.
Can Ventilation Control Secondhand Smoke
57 page technical report analyzes the question, summarizes technical material, evaluates criteria and conclusions.
Why Secondhand Smoke Cannot Be Controlled With Ventilation
Factsheet explains the pollution measurement and science of smoke concentration and buildup.
Exposure of the US Population to Secondhand Smoke
Research estimates the extent of exposure of the US population to secondhand smoke, and how that breaks down into home and workplace exposures.
Chemicals in Smoke
Factsheets and papers on: how cigarettes are tested for chemical content; total yearly chemical emissions from secondhand smoke; comparison of secondhand smoke and air pollution; estimates of amounts of 30 chemicals a restaurant worker would inhale in an 8 hour shift; description of tobacco smoke components; threshold limit values for chemicals found in tobacco smoke.
A Molecular Dosimetry Approach to Assess Human Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Recent research measures effects of exposure to secondhand smoke from single pub visit.
Biomarkers of Environmental Tobacco Smoke in Preschool Children and their mothers.
Scientific paper on measurement of children's exposure to secondhand smoke.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Carcinogen-Hemoglobin Adduct Levels
Scientific paper on measurement of exposure to secondhand smoke.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Lung Development
Online course in scientific investigation uses actual experiment performed on effects of secondhand smoke.
Exposure to Secondhand Smoke Widespread
Results from recent research give measurements of exposure to secondhand smoke.
Assessing Exposure to Air Toxicants from Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Secondhand smoke measurements of acetaldehyde, acetonitrile, acrylonitrile, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, 2-butanone, o-cresol, m,p-cresol, ethyl acrylate, ethylbenzene, formaldehyde, n-nitrosodimethylamine, phenol, styrene, toluene, o-xylene, and m,p-xylene.
Designated "No Smoking" Areas Provide Little Protection from Secondhand Smoke
Research measures secondhand smoke in "no smoking" areas, and finds that little protection is provided compared to the exposures in the smoking area.