Private Homes
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Web Pages
Smoke-Free Environments Law Project: Apartments and Condominiums
Report and resources from The Center for Social Gerontology.
Smokefree Apartment House Registry
Free service lets apartment owners list smokefree apartments. Many apartment owners are not aware that they have the choice to designate all or part of an apartment building or complex as smokefree.
Restraining order protects condo dwellers from secondhand smoke
News release from SAFE, Smokefree air for everyone.
Smoking Problems From Neighboring Condominiums, Apartment Buildings, And Offices
Problems and solutions from GASP of Colorado Education. Center
Common Indoor Air Pollutants - Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)
Links to factsheets; one in Spanish.
Smoking Bans in the Home and Car: Do Those Who Really Need Them Have Them?
Paper addresses the question of whether individuals who are most in need of smokefree households and cars, such as individuals with children living at home or who have many friends who smoke, are the ones who have them.
Ask Auntie Nolo - Where There's Smoke, There's Ire
Short column from Nolo Press on secondhand smoke coming from neighboring apartments/
Does Neighbor's Smoke Make Apartment Uninhabitable?
Minneapolis attorney Thomas J. White answers a reader question in this newspaper column.
ETS in Home Environments
Health Risks; exposure; related attitudes and practices; legal issues; ethical issues; future directions.
Home is Major Danger Center for Passive Smoking
News article on recent research measuring exposure to secondhand smoke; study of 9000 people found significant exposure in the home.
Secondhand Smoke in Households
Collection of news items on secondhand cigarette smoke in households.