Web Pages
Secondhand Smoke Breaks Down Blood Vessel
Research results: After spending only 30 minutes in a smoke-filled room, participants in a study had losses in their blood levels of antioxidants.
Passive Smoking As Well As Active Smoking Increases the Risk of Acute Stroke
Recent research; article summarizes the epidemiology.
Passive smoking and risk of stroke seems a solid connection
Letter to scientific journal on biomarkers, exposure measurement, confounds, and the evidence connecting secondhand smoke to stroke.
Passive Smoke From Spouse Increases a Smoking Woman's Stroke Risk
Women already at risk of having a stroke because they smoke cigarettes increase their stroke risk three-fold if they live with a spouse who smokes, according to recent research.
Passive Smoking Increases the Risk of Acute Stroke
Population-based case-control study of residents of Auckland, New Zealand findsa significantly increased risk of stroke in both men and women.
Secondhand Smoke Raises Stroke Risk, Study Says
Seattle Times article summarizes recent research that estimates secondhand smoke raises stroke risk by 85%.
Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke: Stroke
Provides a bibliography of relevant research.