Drug Substitute         
Web Pages
Cure of Addiction and other Emotional Disorders
Information on the book entitled: Of Frogs and Princes, by Carl Dawntreader, describing a self-directed form of psychotherapy based on the principles of Transactional Analysis.
Frontiers! Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery Option
Recovery and treatment alternatives are based on the premise that substance abuse and alcoholism are choices not diseases.
Addiction and Alternative Medicine
Information and research on complementary and alternative medicine therapies for addictions.
Drink In
Supports doctors and individuals trying to reduce alcohol dependence with a combination of anti-craving medications and therapy.
Moral Reconation Therapy
Cognitive-behavioral treatment system for offenders and substance abusers. Includes information regarding outcome research, MRT training, and materials.
Devil's Candy
A site intended to inform and help the victims and abusers of crack cocaine.
Efficacy of Buffered Ascorbate Compound
Nutritional supplements that help with detoxification and drug cravings, as well as overall health rehabilitation.
Moderation Management
A recovery program and national support group network for people who have made the healthy decision to reduce their drinking and make other positive lifestyle changes.
Correctional Counseling Inc.
Delves into this systematic approach to treating substance-abusing offenders from a purely cognitive behavioral perspective.
Rapid Detox and Recovery Institute
Allows each client to detoxify with out experiencing the suffering and prolonged trauma of traditional withdrawal treatment.
Stanton Peele Addiction Web Site
A rebel in the addiction community, Peele's web site is insightful and thought-provoking. [May not work for all browsers.]
Center for Positive Path Recovery
Offers a cognitive/behavioral approach to substance addiction treatment that presents a complementary alternative to the Twelve Steps.
Megama Treatment Center in Isreal
Dr. Waismann discusses topics from rapid detox to accelerated neuro-regulation for opiate dependency.
St. Jude Retreat House
Provides social educational program based on the premise that addictions are not diseases. Therefore, this is not a medical facility. Located in Hagaman, NY.
Rapid Detox - MRODS - Chicago
Midwest Rapid Opiate Detoxification Specialists offers release from withdrawal. Anesthesia assisted detox from opiate based drugs is also know as Rapid Detox.
Chiropracty and Drug Addiction
Information on chiropractic techniques are useful in getting people to stay in a drug rehabilitation program.
Moderation Management Minnesota
This site gives the locations and times of meetings of Moderation Management in the state of Minnesota and also offers an online support group.
Alternative Healing
New age alternative healing modality based on ancient Chinese meridians that is helpful for emotional problems, stress, anxiety, anger, fear and addictions. Also traditional healing methods.
Rational Recovery
Publishing books and other materials on a program that offers self–recovery from addiction to alcohol and drugs without recovery groups, counseling, or addiction treatment.
The 4 Step Fastrack at
A free alcoholic recovery resource based on behavior based theory and real world application.
Addiction 911
Confidential outpatient treatment for any addictive substance or behavior.
SMART Recovery
SMART: Self Management and Recovery Training. Non-profit organization. Self-reliance not reliance on a higher power. Sees addiction as complex maladaptive behavior not a disease.
Whatever Works
A support group friendly to SMART SOS RR MM and Lifering. In St Paul, Minnesota.
Rapid Detox Referral
Referrals for rapid opiate detox for heroin and other dependencies.
Freedom Health Recovery
This site provides the holistic healing philosophy, therapies, practitioners, and courses for addiction recovery. North Vancouver, BC