Associations and Organizations
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Web Pages
Mind Star
Corporation for education of mental health clients, family, friends and professionals.
DBSA-Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
About mood disorders, advocacy, the illness, donations, support groups, chapter management, information for media, programs and publications, resources and contact.
DBSA-Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of Ohio
Coordinating activities with existing chapters in the state.
Manic Depressives Anonymous
A twelve-step program derived from Alcoholics Anonymous with examples of steps, meeting kit, pamphlets and a reading.
Medline Plus
News, overview, clinical trials, research, treatment, organizations, children, seniors and teenagers. [Also in Spanish]
International Society of Bipolar Disorder
Members include physicians, interns, researchers, consumers, caregivers, advocates and pharmaceutical companies.
The Organization for Bipolar Affective Disorders
Meetings, book, resources, ask an expert, links, contacts, donations, what's new, newsletter and awards.
The Depression and Related Affective Disorders Association
Coping skills, information on the illness, library, store, community center, research lab, adolescent information, creativity and book reviews.