Bipolar Disorder
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Web Pages
Pendulum Resources
Information, articles, research, books, humor and links.
Bipolar Home
Symptoms, treatment, understanding, chat room and coping for the illness in children and adults.
Walkers in Darkness, Inc.
Self assessment, criteria for episode, recognizing and diagnosing, mailing lists, discussion forums, chat and links.
Resourses for Bipolar Disorder
Q&A, organizations, first episode and resources.
Neuro Chemically Challenged
Illness defended, creativity, family support, medication and humor.
Treatment, hope, biological clock, test and mood chart.
Illness classified, symptoms, questionnaires, causes, medication, treatments, early onset, poetry, humor, art work and links.
Number 1 Manic Depression
Course and treatment, symptoms, newsletter and art.
Mental Health Channel
Illness defined and compared, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Manic Monthly
Magazine, articles, affirmations, books, resources and humor.
Bipolar and Mood Disorders
Illness described, comparisons, treatments, books and resources.
Bipolar Aware
Segmented definitions of common facts, descriptions of episodes, listed symptoms, treatments, medication and management thoughts.
Bipolar Noise
Classifications, medication, treatment, support, work issues, news and research, struggles, poetry, art and links.
Harvard Bipolar Research Program
Research, description from DSM IV, illness defined, clinical tools and links.
Cycle Of Moods
Criteria for illness, classifications, awareness, recognition, signs and symptoms.
Perspectives on Bipolar Disorder
Family therapy, suicide, diagnostic considerations, for adults, children and adolescents. Bipolar Disorder
Information, mailing list, medication and support.
True Stories
Story of a man lost due to illness, but through the police and medication he is stabilized.
Manic Resources
Information, articles, tests, resources, suicide, recovery and links.
Manic Depression Web Ring
To connect those with the illness together, provide resources, information and support.
Bipolar Parents
Poetry, chat, newsletter, resources and list of articles.
Internet Mental Health
Illness description, diagnosis, rating scales, treatment, research, legislation, booklets, articles and links.
South African Bipolar Site
Support groups, guide to living, articles, links, FAQ and news groups.
Bipolar Disorder Facts
Articles, description, treatment, history and information.
American Family Physician
Illness described, signs, treatment and resources.
Ask Noah
Illness defined, symptoms, causes, treatment and book list.
Bipolar Disorder: Chudler
Illness described, symptoms, how it affects the brain, treatment and links.
Bipolar Education
Illness defined, library, self assessment, support, resources and common questions.
Bipolar Happens
Health cards system, book, biography, note to family and friends, what is normal and disclaimer.
Expert Consensus Treatment Guidelines
Illness defined, time factor, suicide, inherited, causes, symptoms, patterns, treatment, medications, education, early warning signs, psychotherapy and support groups.
Planet Psych
Survey results, illness described, early intervention and medication.
Complimentary, alternative and psychological therapies, nutritional supplements, over-the-counter medications, products, prescriptions, doctor procedures and self-care treatments.
Understanding Bipolar Disorder
Illness explained, symptoms, stress, causes, treatment, medication, psychotherapy, lifestyle changes and FAQ.
Early warning signs, behavioral and cognitive techniques and interpersonal therapy.
What Is Bi-Polar Disorder
Causes, symptoms and treatments.
Bipolar Disorder - Personal Health Zone
Information, resources, symptoms, treatment and organizations.
Steady - Support and Training for Elation and Depression in Youth
Offering support and information for young people diagnosed with extreme mood swings.
Bipolar Disorder FAQ
Definitions, criteria for episodes, hypomania, difference between euphoria and dysphoria, mixed state, rapid cycling, delusions and hallucinations.
Medication for Bipolar Disorder
Antimanic, symptom relief, questions for your doctor, precautions, index and references.
Bipolar Brain
Description of illness, symptoms, diagnosis, signs prior to suicide, children and adolescents, causes, treatments, medications and clinical studies.
Advocacy, diagnosis, treatment, support, living and surviving, advice on job strategy, organizations and creativity.
Health Center
Illness compared, resources, symptoms, treatment and creativity.
Signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, screening, diagnosis, complications, treatment and coping skills.
Mental Help Net
Introduction to illness, links, information and book reviews.
About Bipolar Disorder: Manic Depression
Symptoms, treatment and testimony of an individual.
Anxiety Panic: Bipolar Disorder
Description, causes, gene research and brain imaging studies.
Bipolar Disorder and African Americans
Mistrust of health care providers, lack of insurance, masking of symptoms, signs of illness, mania, depression, causes, it can be treated and links.
Coping With Bipolar Disorder
Join, chart, mood management, stop a manic episode, conquering symptoms, lithium and creativity, loneliness, tips for helpers and a mother's rant.
Definition, symptoms, causes, treatment and research findings.
Cyclothymic Disorder
Diagnostic criteria as used by the DSM IV Handbook including symptoms, associated features, differential diagnosis, mood disorder episodes, causes, treatment, counseling, psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.
I-Med Review: Bipolar Disorder
Description, definition, causes and treatment.
Manic Moments: A Bipolar's World
Illness described, episodes differentiated, schizophrenia, cyclothymic and delusional disorders.
Medication Treatment of Bipolar Disorder 2000
Treatment issues, survey results, guide for patients and families, description of illness, comparisons, symptoms, phases defined, causes, coexisting conditions, inherited, medication, side effects, electroconvulsive therapy, learning to cope and psychotherapy.
Mental Health Touches Everyone: Bipolar Disorder
Phases described, characteristics, genetic factors, what age does it appear, diagnosis, treatment and where to go for help.
Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Bipolar Disorder
Definition, history, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment principles and alternatives and maintenance phase.
Psychology Information Online: Bipolar Depression
Facts, descriptions of mood states, features of a depressive or manic episode, factors that prevent early intervention, treatment issues, resources for information and support.
Remedyfind: Bipolar Disorder
Remedies for major types of manic depression, prescription drug information, lists of nutritional supplements and psychological therapies.
Journal, book a speaker, living with the malady, share your story, bookstore, contact, forum, poetry, resources, family and friends, suicide information, articles and FAQ.
The Icarus Project: Navigating the Space Between Brilliance and Madness
Origins, purpose, Manic Depression, community forum, outside the mainstream, treatment, writings, art, tools and resources.
Bipolar Disorder - Manic Depression Information and Support
What is the disease, recognizing the symptoms, living with the problem, helping loved ones and support information.
Ups, Downs and In-Betweens
Features, consumer information, columnists, browse by topic, find a doctor, clinics, centers and request an appointment.
Bipolar Disorder Help
Getting help, facts, advocacy, free stuff and contact.
Obie's Hope
What is the disease, facts, early on-set, links, 50 ways to fight depression, medication information, suicide prevention, message boards and contact.
Bipolar Family
Real life, diagnosis, treatment, doctors, support, participate, thank you, about the site and contact.
The Bipolar Planet
Mailing list, links, writings, depression, mania/hypomania, reading list.