Web Pages
CJR - Lessons of the Sixty Minutes Cave-In
"Tobacco companies, when faced with damaging exposure, are increasingly resorting to expensive, intimidating, take-no-prisoners litigation to circumvent the First Amendment, strong-arm the press, silence witnesses, and keep important facts from coming to the public's attention".
Interview of Dr. Stanton Glantz
Frontline interview; covers the Brown and Willaimson documents; the "settlement"; public health activities; the industry. "This is an industry whose whole thinking and behavior has been dominated by avoiding responsibility for its actions".
Censored: The Leaked ABC Tape
In March 1994, ABC killed a "Turning Point" documentary on Big Tobacco. The text and some of the video (as QuickTime clips) is now available on this site.
Partnership for a Drug-Free America: the tobacco connection
The Partnership loves to talk about illegal drugs. They are hard pressed to say anything about a drug that kills more Americans than all illegal drugs combined: tobacco. One reason may be, the Partnership has taken cash from Philip Morris and R. J. Reynolds.
Coverage of Smoking in Women's Magazines
A review of 13 magazines across 5 months finds they dispense a lot of health advice but say little about smoking. Over that same period, those magazines ran over 300 cigarette ads.
Science Writers: Tobacco Industry Turns Heat On
Tobacco industry harrassment of journalists and the media to kill or water down stories on smoking and the tobacco industry.
Philip Hilts interview
Hilts was a New York Times correspondent covering the tobacco beat and has published a book on it. This interview covers the Brown and Williamson papers, industry legal and PR strategy, industry conduct, media response, and industry intimidation of journalists and media.
FAIR: Tobacco Wars: The First Casualty Is Candor
A hard look at recent tobacco reporting, primarily on TV news: which facts get reported? Which don't? And what utterances get reported as "fact"?
CJR - ABC, Philip Morris and the Infamous Apology
Columbia Journalism Review article on Philip Morris's lawsuit against ABC after they ran a hardhitting Day One program on the tobacco industry.
Tobacco and the Media
Corporate Watch feature on connections between tobacco and the media.
USA Today Tobacco Stories
Collection of stories on the tobacco industry, its conduct, and litigation.
TV ACRES: Tobacco Products Section
Summarizes tobacco products hawked on TV, including having the stars smoke the sponsor's product on the show, as well as later history of cigars and cigarettes and TV stars; provides a list of product slogans used on commercials.
BBC News - Smoking
BBC news items on tobacco, cigarettes, and smoking.
Smoke Screen: Philip Hilts Reveals abuses by Tobacco Companies
Harvard Gazette article on reporting on the tobacco industry.
Ben Bagdikian Interview
Media critic notes influence of tobacco advertising on reporting: "papers that used to sieze upon every disease -- muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, huge articles, pictures of the pitiful victims -- never had the same thing about the victims of tobacco".
Frontline: Smoke in the Eye: Jeffrey Wigand
Transcript of Frontline report on Wigand, the censored 60 Minutes show, the tobacco industry, and media.
Double Book Review: Smokescreen/The Cigarette Papers
Review of books by Philip Hilts and Stan Glantz.
Press Clips: Tobacco Row
Explores a connection between $60,000 worth of tobacco ads in Brill's Content and a six-page article in the magazine that bashes the media for "overstating" the link between secondhand smoke and lung cancer.
Tobacco Access and Media
Poster session from health conference examines smoking in movies, use of media to send anti-tobacco messages, and developing tobacco media campaigns using youth attitudes.
Philip Morris Memo Likens Nicotine to Cocaine
Reprint of the 1996 Pulitzer Prize winner for national reporting.
Kiss My Ash
Article highlights the influence of tobacco ad dollars on news content by way of a personal account.
Censorship in the Media
Factsheet makes the case for tobacco ads buying silence from major media.
The Collaborators
Tobacco ads, advertising, and its effect on publications that carry it.
Accuracy in the Tobacco Settlement Ads of 1997-1998
Analysis by policy center at the University of Pennsylvania of the accuracy of a major media campaign by the tobacco industry.
Smoke, Mirrors, and Censorship
Report on how and why ABC News pulling the plug on a hard-hitting documentary film about the tobacco industry.
Tobacco Advertising and Counteradvertising
CDC provides graphs, tables, reports, and journal articles on the subject.
Tobacco Giant, Media Mogul Get Cozy
Short item on media connections of tobacco giant Philip Morris.
What You Need to Beat Goliath
Essay on journalism, the spiked CBS interview, Wigand, the movie "The Insider", and the real world of journalism under pressure.
RTNDF Political Coverage Project
Advice from the pros on how to get and cover politial stories and helpful resources on the net; tobacco frequently used as an example.
The Nation - Selected Feature
Science writer Philip Hilts, who has written about eighty stories on tobacco, twenty-five on the front page, was summarily removed from that beat three years ago after one particularly uncomplimentary story about Philip Morris.
Youth Smoking and the Media
A project to study how television, anti-smoking advertising, and newspaper coverage of tobacco issues affects youth smoking.
P.U.-litzer Prizes for 1994
The 1994 Lost In Smoke Award goes to the Weekly Reader, for reasons mentioned.
Fallout from the Tobacco War
Column explores the impact of the Internet on public information on tobacco and the tobacco industry.
Quality of Research on Environmental Tobacco Smoke by Different Sponsors
Research on research examines how sponsorship affects quality and content, and also how media reports the science.
External Influences on News
Lecture outline for college class on media features tobacco examples of self-censorship by news organizations.
How Business Strategy Shapes Media
Chapter from upcoming book examines influence of business interests on media; tobacco reporting used as an example.
Selling Doubt
Chapter from a book on the Brown and Williamson papers documents some examples of tobacco industry influence on media.
Publishers and their Tobacco Habit
Columbia Journalism Review article on connections between cigarette advertising and publisher's policies.
Daybreak Articles on Tobacco
Recent and archived stories on tobacco from Daybreak, UCSF's electronic edition.
The Partnership: Hard Sell in the Drug War
Article from The Nation discusses on the Partnership for a Drug-Free America discusses its tobacco connections such as Philip Morris funding and free ad space in media that take tobacco advertising.
The Art Of Manipulation
Art mural deconstructs tobacco ads and identifies how tobacco use affects the lives of the artists and contributors.
Messengers: Philip Morris Uses Feel-good Ads to Improve Image
Media column comments on Philip Morris's recent ad campaign touting its charitable spending.
Philip Morris Complains About Ad Placement
Presents and analyzes a letter that Philip Morris sent to newspapers to complain about where and how its ads ran.
Media Firms Buy Their Way To Political Access
Center for Public Integrity report on media political power covers the connections between the tobacco industry and media, such as $1.1 billion in cigarette advertising, and what it buys. Tobacco Report
Washington Post's online library of tobacco stories. Includes breaking news, politics and policy, litigation, health issues, teen smoking, industry news, and opinion.
The Cigarette Papers
The Tobacco Industry and control of information about smoking and cancer; article from The Nation Magazine.
The Search for the Smoking Gun
Book review of Dr. David Kessler's "A Question of Intent" in The Atlantic Monthly; considers the interesting fact that Philip Morris considered buying The Atlantic Monthly in order "to influence the public policy agenda and the information flow to the populace".
Big Tobacco's Deadly Deceits
Article in Midwest Today, June/July 1996. "Cigarette Makers Have Worked Hard to Get Smokers Hooked".
Lung Cancer Media Coverage
Lung cancer, the leading cancer killer of both men and women, is seriously under-reported when compared to other major cancers, according to a new study.
Activist Tells SPJ that Tobacco Companies are Duping the Public
Report on a debate sponsored by the Society for Professional Journalism.
Smoking Up a Storm
CBC Online (Canada) series of articles on tobacco, smoking, cigarettes, and the tobacco industry.
Bibliography on Tobacco Advertising
Bibliography of research and analysis articles on tobacco advertising and promotion.
Tobacco Ads Retreat
Editorial comments on decision by major newspapers to stop taking tobacco ads, and highlights continuing cigarette advertising in women's magazines.
Me, the Media, and Addiction
Personal essay on media influences in writer's own smoking.
Exposé 'Journalist' Conned Colleagues For 35 Years as Spy for Tobacco
Tobacco PR man Leonard Zahn, masquerading as a journalist, spied on "anti-tobacco" scientists, and on reporters and news media, for more than a third of a century.
He Who Has the Gold Rules
Column on media ownership and its influence on how the news gets reported. Example used is RJR's ownership of the Weekly Reader and its coverage for children of tobacco stories.
How Philip Morris Influences Major Media
An internal Philip Morris memo explains how it influences journalists and gets favorable articles and commentaries, through strategies such as sponsoring journalism interns.
Weblog Special: Big Tobacco
Collection of articles from the Guardian (UK) on the tobacco industry and smoking.
Tobacco Industry Analysis of Newsweek Article
Interanl tobacco industry memo reveals the history and results of tobacco industry pressure on Newsweek to water down a tobacco story.
Pro-tobacco Editorial Content of Young Men's Magazines rises by 70% between 1991 and 2000
Review of the six leading young men's magazines over 10 years finds 5 pages on smoking and health, over 400 pages of tobacco promotion, and a rising tide of pro-tobacco editorial content.
Death In The West
A movie exposing the most successful cigarette advertising campaign in history, produced in 1976, suppressed in 1979 by Philip Morris, can now be viewed online in its entirety.
Publishers and their Tobacco Habit
Columbia Journalism Review takes a look at the influence of magazine cigarette advertising on coverage of tobacco in those magazines.
Smoking News -
News on smoking collected from diverse sources on the web.
Print Media Coverage of California's Smokefree Bar Law
Content analysis reveals the nature and extent of tobacco industry influence of print media coverage following implementation of California's smokefree bars.
Tobacco-Free Periodicals
Lists of magazines that do and do not take tobacco advertising, with annotated updates on ad frequency, content, and influence.
Tobacco Coverage in Popular Magazines: 1996-1999
Research finds that tobacco gets less coverage in magazines than other health topics.