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Advertising and Promoting U.S. Cigarettes in Selected Asian Countries
A look at global smoking promotional activities by U.S. tobacco companies; some activities said to be illegal, and some said to target nonsmokers and children. "James Coburn, Pierce Brosnan, and Robert Wagner starred in a series of TV commercials for Philip Morris' Lark brand Cigarettes in Japan."
India: A Doctor Takes on Big Tobacco
"It's a huge market in India and South East Asia. Tobacco companies are also targetting youth between 15-25. Two countries where it will zoom up are India and Indonesia".
Tobacco Advertising influences adolescents to start smoking
NIH analysis of what caused smoking to increase over the last 70 years.
Retail promotion
Results of Health Canada survey show that cigarette retail promotions are on the rise.
Support for Tobacco Trade: Up in Smoke?
A look at U.S. tobacco industry promotion of product abroad concludes that U.S. government support for the trade is not as strong as it used to be.
Research Review: Tobacco Advertising
Advertising to minorities; children as target markets.
Fact Sheet - Tobacco Advertising
Brief factsheet compiled by the Non Smokers' Movement of Australia.
ASH-UK briefing on brand-stretching: the use of tobacco brand names on non-tobacco merchandise or services to get around bans on direct advertising.
Emerging Tobacco Advertising and Marketing Issues
Poster session from health conference focuses on recent trends in tobacco advertising including point of sale, tobacco-sponsored bars and clubs, and marketing to college age people.
Cigarette Advertising
College paper on the subject examines tobacco ads, its influences, and design.
Bibliography: Advertising's Effects on Tobacco Addiction Rates
Bibliography of scientific articles put together by Maryland State Medical Society.
Ad Money Moves from Billboards to Print
A review of money spent promoting cigarettes finds that the Master Settlement Agreement has not reduced tobacco promotion, but merely moved it to different places.
Filter Tips
Newsletter covers cigarette advertising and promotion using billboards, clubs, events, charities, magazines, direct mail, auto racing, and examines use of brands, gimmicks, andmoney.
Patterns of Tobacco Billboard Advertising
Research reveals patterns of tobacco billboard advertising in a metropolitan region.
Getting around Advertising Restrictions
Humorous article by a filmmaker documents some new approaches to promoting product.
Tobacco Industry Spends Record Amounts on Advertising and Promotion
FTC report finds that the five largest cigarette manufacturers spent $8.24 billion on advertising and promotion in 1999, 22.3% more than the $6.73 billion they spent in 1998, and the most ever reported.
American Lung Association Fact Sheet: Tobacco Product Advertising and Promotion
Cigarettes are one of the most heavily marketed consumer products in America. In 1995 tobacco companies spent almost $5 billion to promote and advertise their products. Factsheet from the ALA.
Athletes in Cigarette Ads
Athletes and sports figures in ads for cigarettes from the 1930's through the 1970's.
Advertising and Sponsorship
From a set of tobacco control issues items.
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion
Short description and statistics on promotional items.
Smokeless Tobacco Advertising and Promotional Expenditures by Category
FTC report lists the large variety of ways the industry promotes spit tobacco, from billboards to magazine ads, from point of sale ats to free samples, and from promotional offers to endorsements.
Tobacco Explained: 4. Advertising
ASH UK Paper. Reviews industry cigarette ads over the years, their messages, emphasis, and effects.
Project SCUM
Article in San Franscisco Weekly; tobacco industry documents expose an R.J. Reynolds marketing plan targeting S.F. gays and homeless people. Its name: Project SCUM.
Tobacco Resources on the Internet
At bottom of page, three TV ads for tobacco products: Quicktime movie of Lucy and Desi Arnaz promoting Philip Morris cigarettes; AVI movie of a Winston ad featuring the Flintstones; AVI movie of a Viceroy ad featuring Steve McQueen.
Philip Morris "Johnny's Call"
Article on a long-running radio cigarette promotion for Philip Morris cigarettes; includes a print ad where Phlip Morris makes a health claim for their cigarettes.
20th Century Tobacco Advertisement Collection
Over 8,000 slides containing tobacco advertisements, tobacco industry issue ads, and anti-smoking ads.
Filter Tips: A Review of Cigarette Marketing in Canada
Magazine format, from Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada. Covers print, billboard, give-away, themed campaigns, and cigarette logos seen on TV sports.
Big Tobacco Shifts Ads from Billboards to Stores
UIC research shows that tobacco companies have increased retail store advertising and promotions since a ban on tobacco billboard advertising took effect. Pictures show typical retail spaces, filled with tobacco ads.
Tobacco Industry Advertising and Promotion
Short factsheet; all sources cited.
FTC: 1997 Smokeless Tobacco Report
Contains tables of advertising dollars spent advertising and promoting spit tobacco by category and by year (from 1985 to 1995).
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion
Factsheet from ASH-UK.
Candid Commercial
Shows an TV ad campaign for Philip Morris cigarettes done for the Candid Camera show.
In-store Tobacco Ads
Commentary explains tobacco industry point-of-purchase advertising and promotion; how it works, who gets paid for it, and what mechanisms are used.
How Tobacco Companies Exploit Teens
USNews article explains how cigarette brand images and ad campaigns are designed for youth appeal.
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
Article in Salon magazine on magazines created by the tobacco industry entirely to promote cigarettes and smoking.
Tobacco Ad Gallery
Searchable by country, company, brand, or type of ad.
Japan Ads Sell Women On Smoking
US tobacco companies run ads in Japan for brands such as Virginia Slims using images of liberated, Western, cosmopolitan women. Over the same period, the number of female smokers has climbed, young women in particular
Peter Mitchell's Project -- Cigarette Advertising
Student project creates a poster that blends cigarette ads to make a point.
Tobacco Advertising Gallery
Selection of examples from around the world, annotated by a health educator.
Tobacco Advertising
Set of slide presentations on ads selling cigarettes and other tobacco products.
Big Tobacco's Newest Billboards Are the Pages of Its Magazines
NYT article explores the industry's use of specialized magazines to promote product.
Advertising an Integral Part of Expansion of the Tobacco Industry.
Short healthlibrary article on why the tobacco industry advertises.
Tobacco Advertising, Public relations and the Media
Tobacco advertising and public relations links from healthwatcher.
Growing Up Tobacco Free: Tobacco Advertising and Promomotion
Chapter in an online book.
Buzz Marketing
Article on "stealth" marketing technique cites example of Brown and Williamson and other tobacco companies.
Cigarette Ads Nullified Anti-Smoking Messages, Says Expert
A Boston University professor says that cigarette company advertising was so powerful that for some smokers it nullified the anti-smoking messages issued by doctors and society.
Peter Brown Cigarette Ads
Magazine and TV ads featuring TV cowboy stars in the 1950's and 1960's
The Marlboro Man: The Making of an American Image
Paper on the creation of the world's most popular brand, and its chief marketing gimmick: the Marlboro man.
Marketing: R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Collection
Documents from the Mangini suit provide an inside look at how RJR markets and promotes its products.
Tobacco's Media Fix
Article in Now Toronto explores tobacco advertising aimed at reassuring smokers.
Marketing Tobacco and the USA
Photos of cigarette ads worldwide, followed by analysis of the tobacco industry strategy of marketing cigarettes by marketing "America".
Low Tar, Light Cigarettes Called Deliberate Deception
Industry documents show the tobacco industry knew that low-tar and light cigarettes were no safer but marketed them to "offer an image of health reassurance".
Big Tobacco "Light" Cigarette Con Exposed
When cigarette companies were marketing "light" or "ultra-light" cigarettes as safer, the companies privately described the cigarettes as "an effective advertising gimmick" or "merely cosmetic", intended to reassure the customer.
The Cigarette Pack As Image: New Evidence From Tobacco Industry Docuemnts
Tobacco industry internal memos and reports reveal the industry used a highly sophisticated research program to develop the cigarette pack as a potent advertising tool in its own right.
Effects of Tobacco Advertising and Promotion
Report examines: how tobacco advertising and promotion affect tobacco consumption; evidence that advertising and promotion affect overall tobacco consumption; countries with tobacco advertising bans have lower consumption (or slower increases in consumption) than those without bans.
UICC Factsheet: Effects of tobacco advertising
Review of published research on advertising of tobacco products concludes tobacco advertising increases consumption.
Cigarette Advertising on TV
Cigarette manufacturers were one of the first industries to advertise widely on television; article gives examples of shows and ads.
Cigarette Advertising -- United States, 1988
Historical trends in tobacco advertising and promotion.
Memorandum by Centre For Tobacco Control Research
University of Strathclyde (UK) analysis of tobacco advertising agency documents finds they "provide a unique glimpse into the mindset and tactics of both tobacco advertisers and their clients."
Anthropology and Marlboro Advertising Design
University anthropology course takes a look at the history and design of the Marlboro ad campaign.
Ad Money Moves from Billboards to Print
Report finds cigarette marketing to teens through magazine advertising increased after the Master Settlement Agreement took effect in November
Commercial Closet: Philip Morris
Gay magazine looks at Philip Morris ads.
Teen-age Smoking Explodes Globally
News article explores tobacco promotion and consumption worldwide, including brand-stretching.
The Tobacco Industry Goes Alternative
Article on industry marketing that aims for an "alternative" look, including brands like Red Kamel, music tie-ins such as Philip Morris's Woman Thing, color ads in alternative papers, and cigarette promotions at bars and clubs.
Operation Storefront Report 1998
Massachusetts study on tobacco point-of-sale advertising analyses where the ads are placed, who is targeted, how pervasive they are, and what results they get. - Tobacco Advertising
Series of articles in the Guardian (UK).
History of Cigarette Advertising
Timeline of cigeratte advertising events, themes, campaigns, and results.
Cigarette Companies Get Crafty
Article on cigarette promotion in bars.
News & Opinion: Black Lungs
Column on tobacco marketing to black teens.
R.J. Reynolds Ad Campaigns for Camel Cigarettes
College paper provides ad examples, figures, and analysis.
Targets of Cigarette Advertising
Essay on cigarette advertising and promotion.
New Study of Tobacco Retail Marketing
Santa Clara University study finds tobacco industry marketing is giving small retailers more money to push tobacco products.
Cigarette Advertising
Student project examines the aims and means of cigarette advertising.
Cigarette Push Defies Law's Spirit
News article on new tobacco industry marketing technique: approaching shoppers in grocery and convenience stores.
The Tobacco Reference Guide: Advertising
Collection of facts, fully footnoted, outlines the dimensions and purposes of tobacco advertising and marketing.
The Dark side of Marketing Seemingly "Light" Cigarettes: Successful Images and Failed Fact
Research on advertising and promotion of "light" and filtered cigarettes: what the ads promised and what the product actually delivered.
Dipping into Danger
Article in The Missourian on college promotions of spit ("smokeless"); e.g. Skoal hires students to pass out free cans on campus, demonstrate how to use the product.
Tobacco Ads Through the Ages
Article surveys decades of lavish cigarette ads, and the relationship between tobacco promotion and death from smoking.
Mike Basil's Tobacco Advertising Page
Concise summary of what communications research reveals about tobacco advertising.
Annual Report on Cigarette Sales and Advertising for 2001
Cigarette manufacturers spent over $11 billion advertising and promoting cigarettes in 2001, up 17% from the $10 billion they spent in 2000; FTC report breaks out spending.
Export A Ads are Extremely Expert, Eh?
Article by a marketing expert on cigarette promotion in Canada focuses on sports promotions, and finds the tobacco ads push: pictures of health, risk taking is rewarding, glamor and excitement, independence and individualism, and success.
Gallery of Cigarette Ads in Canada
Photos of some 1998 cigarette promotions in Canada.
Marketing the Myth of "Light" and "Mild"
Collection of industry promotion strategies in different countries aroundthe world promoting "light" and "mild" cigarettes as less harmful.
Sports Marketing Conference
Speech at Sports Marketing Conference describing R. J. Reynolds sports sponsorships and selection of sports strategies, including auto racing, motorcycle racing, rodeos, soccer, golf.
Marketing Tactics
Once-secret, court-released, internal industry documents demonstrate tactics toward increasing sales.
"So Rich, Mild, and Fresh": A Critical Look at TV Cigarette Commercials
Tobacco was television's first big sponsor and a top sponsor for over two decades; this research examines how cigarette advertising influenced early TV, the medium and the shows, health claims made on the air by the tobacco industry, advertising to women, and TV cigarette ads that changed the culture.
The Most Heavily Advertised Product in America
From the Tobacco History Timeline, a concise section on cigarette advertising in America in the 1970's.
The Case for Banning Advertising and Promotion of Tobacco
Short factsheet lists the different kinds of promotion the tobacco industry does, and the returns it gets on each kind.
Tobacco Industry Documents on Advertising
Collection of tobacco industry memos and ads shows how tobacco advertising strategies are developed, ad campaigns are designed, and populations targetted.
''Light'' Cigarette Claims - Heavy Deception
The tobacco industry privately described light cigarettes as "an effective advertising gimmick," or "merely cosmetic," which offered "the image of health reassurance", according to recently uncovered tobacco company memos.
Scientific Studies on Tobacco Advertising and Counter-Advertising
Collection of studies summarized by Oregon Public Health Services; covers tobacco companies and event sponsorship, advertising and spit tobacco, cost effectiveness of counter-advertising, advertising effect on youth initiation, do movie stars affect tobacco use, movie promotion of tobacco, and advertising to women.
Changes in the Cigarette Advertising to Brand Preference in Adolescents and Adults
Table summarizes cash spent promoting product, compares with youth and adult brand preferences.
Historical Medical Claims
"More Doctors Smoke Camels" and other ads from 1927 through 1950.
Women Magazine Ads
Cigarette ad campaigns targeting women.
Tobacciana and Tobacco Advertising
Tobacciana and Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Industry Cooperated with Candy Makers
Tobacco industry documents reveal that the tobacco industry encouraged candy makers to make candy cigarettes, advertised to get people to smoke (not just to change brands), and coordinated a worldwide industry strategy of denial on smoking and health.
Watching the Tobacco Industry
Conference paper examines tobacco marketing.
Tobacco and Alcohol Advertisements in Magazines: Are Young Readers Being Targeted?
JAMA article (research letter) presents results of simple study counting ads in magazines with varying youth readerships.
Ads for Tobacco Swamp New Swimsuit Issue
Article looks at the ads in the 1998 Sports Illustrated annual swimsuit issue; 24% of the magazine's readers are between ages 12 and 17.
Chapter from a book on the Brown and Williamson papers documents B&W's cigarette advertising in the 1970s and 1980s, with a focus on product placement.
Big Tobacco Rides East
Has the tobacco industry changed? "At the 1998 Hanoi Tet festival Philip Morris had a large tent with Marlboro horses to ride on for children, and young, nicely dressed cowboy girls offered single cigarettes free of charge to young boys."
Cancer Cash
Article on R. J. Reynolds cigarette promotions in bars and nightclubs.
Cigar Industry Conducted Aggressive Marketing Campaign
How the upsurge in cigar popularity happened.
Cigarette Advertising
Doctors like cigarettes! That and other health claims the industry made in its ads of the 1940's and 1950's.
A Day in the Life of an Advertising Man
Internal documents from the UK tobacco industry's principal advertising agencies reveal that tobacco advertising is intended to increase consumption as well as brand share.
Holy Smoke!
The Virgin Mary was a Marlboro woman--and other marketing that the industry uses abroad. Tobacco Industry Advertising Documents Database
Lets you search, display, and download over 650 documents from the UK tobacco industry's main advertising agencies ranging from 1994 to 1999; also provides case studies drawn from the documents.
Keep Smiling - No One's Going to Die
Report analyses thousands of internal documents from the UK tobacco industry's five main advertising agencies, reveals industry activities intended to recruit new smokers, discourage existing smokers from quitting, undermine advertising regulations, and subvert government policy.
The Dark Side Of Marketing seemingly 'Light' Cigarettes: Successful Images and Failed Fact
Extensive review of internal tobacco industry memos and documents finds that for 50 years filtered and low tar cigarettes were a marketing campaign designed to reassure smokers, not reduce risk.