Web Pages
European Network for Smoking Prevention
ENSP is a European network for smoking prevention active in tobacco contol in Europe.
Tobacco Profile for Denmark
Summary of smoking and tobacco stats.
Smoke-Free Eire
Focus is on clean indoor air in Eire.
Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health
Aims to introduce the Council to the public and to educate on smoking-related health hazards. In English and Chinese.
ASH Thailand
Tobacco use and control in Thailand.
Quit In Your Language
Quitting information and tips in Greek, Italian, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
Tobacco Network
Finland and Europe focus.
Smoking - Dohányzás
Smoking at the threshold of the year 2000: situation report on Hungary.
Country Case Studies
Examines China, Mexico, Viet Nam, Russia, Romania, Poland, Senegal, South Africa.
Inside Indonesia: Worshipping cancer sticks
News article reports "the tobacco industry keeps the government afloat, but at a huge cost in ordinary lives."
Tobacco Country Profiles
For each country: tobacco consumption, smoking prevalence, deaths attributed to smoking, pharmaceutical treatments, market share by manufacturer, trade and agriculture statistics, taxes and duties, retail price, advertising and sponsorship, health promotion and education, sales and distribution restrictions, tobacco product regulations, smoke-free indoor air, organizations involved in tobacco control.
Big Tobacco Smothers Latin America
Article on U.S. tobacco companies and their promotional and marketing efforts in Latin America; cites examples, summarizes.
Washington Post Special Report -Big Tobacco's Global Reach
Articles on how the U.S. federal government helped the tobacco industry push its product overseas, and how the industry is expanding in Asia, the ex-Soviet Union, and China.
Framework Convention Alliance
An international alliance of organisations committed to a strong and effective Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, in order to substantially and quickly reduce death, disease, and disability caused by tobacco.
No Smoke Tokyo
Non-smoking bars, clubs and restaurants in Tokyo, Japan. Also smoke-free hotels, flights, taxis, and worldwide smoke-free information, and news about non-smokers rights and the fight for clean air in Japan!
Nederlandse Nietrokersvereniging CAN
Dutch and English provided in this site; lots of tobacco issues, science, and discussion.
Essential Action Condemns USTR Pressure on Korea
"The U.S. Trade Representative is up to its bad, old tricks, working on behalf of Big Tobacco," said Weissman of the group Essential Action; item has the story.
Feel Free to Say No
EU smokefree campaign provides materials in English, French, Italian, Dutch, Portugese, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, German, Greek, and Castellano languages.
Double Standards of U.S. Tobacco Companies in International Cigarette Labeling
Report from Public Citizen examines cigarette pack warning labels in 45 countries. Conclusion: what Philip Morris says about its product varies by country.
Globalization of Tobacco Industry Tactics as Exemplified in Switzerland
Abstract of paper; concludes "in order to be successful, anti-tobacco alliances need to recognize that tobacco control is ultimately a political battle fought in public, and not a scientific debate discussed in private"; gives examples from Switzerland.
Towards a Tobacco Free Society
The report of the tobacco free policy review group in Ireland.
Tobacco in the 3rd World
Feature article deals with facts about tobacco including its effect on 3rd World development and ecosystems. Case studies include Kenya, Malawi, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and Brazil.
Marlboro Man Goes Overseas
Op-Ed examines Philip Morris cigarette promotion in Asia, Russia, Central Europe and Latin America.
Tobacco and the European Union
ASH-UK factsheet presents smoking and tobacco use prevalence, advertising, policy, and industry trends by country in the EU.
International Issues in Tobacco Control
Poster session from health conference focusses on worldwide trends.
Tobacco in the Developing World
ASH-UK factsheet presents smoking and tobacco prevalence and consumption facts, health effects, environmental impacts, and responses to the problem in the developing world.
The International Tobacco Industry: Current Developments
FAQ on worldwide marketing of tobacco products.
Marlboro: the New Frontier
Student paper does economic analysis of why and how Philip Morris markets increasingly to the third world.
Australian Council on Smoking and Health
Non-profit, non-government organization dedicated to raising awareness in the community on smoking and health issues in Australia. Bulletin board, library, information campaigns, quit programs, advocacy, and tobacco industry secrets.
ASH New Zealand
Mission is to improve the health and well being of all New Zealanders by eliminating disease and premature death due to tobacco. Educates on harmful effects of active and passive smoking, supports and encourages relevant legislation, e.g. to protect smokefree environments.
Action on Smoking and Health -- Canada
Western Canada's leading health organization devoted solely tp tobacco control and prevention.
Tobacco Companies Targeting the Poor
Article on tobacco promotion in Pakistan.
Emerging Tobacco Hazards in China
In Chinese and English.
A Population Based Anti-Smoking Campaign in Hungary
Mostly in Hungarian language; covers the campaign and research on it.
ASH Scotland
Forthcoming are tobacco and smoking fact sheets, statistics, news, projects, policies, and resources.
Tobacco-related Pictures in Senegal
75 photos of cigarette and tobacco product ads in Senegal, most in violation of law.
Africa Tobacco Documents - UICC GLOBALink
Mali: Premier procčs contre l'industrie du tabac en Afrique; Mouvement Anti-Tabac du Sénégal; Tobacco Farming in Kenya; Report on Africa.
Asia Pacific Tobacco Documents - UICC GLOBALink
Tobacco industry and tobacco control in India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Goa, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong.
Europe Tobacco Documents - UICC Globalink
Tobacco industry and tobacco control in Finland, Spain, France, Suisse, Schweitz, Norway, Ireland, the CzechRepublic, Poland, Sweden, Austria, Denmark Germany, Luxembourg, and the EC.
Tazor's Non-smoking Page
Poland smokefree site.
WHO: Tobacco Free Initiative in Southeast Asia
Regional policy iniatitives for tobacco reduction in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
Canadian site provides the facts behind the warning labels; information provided in English and French.
Archive of INTL-TOBACCO mailing list
Archive of Postings to INTL-TOBACCO, a post-only mailing list concerned with tobacco control around the world.
Smoking Set to Kill Millions in China
Researchers find a rapid rise in tobacco use in China, where half the smokers surveyed do not know it causes cancer.
India Tobacco News Extracts
Cancer Patients Aid Association hosts news stores on tobacco in India.
Tobacco Free Albania
Interview with Sara Bogdani, youth advocate for a tobacco-free Albania.
Thwarting Big Tobacco in Pakistan
Article describes tobacco promotion activities of tobacco transnationals such as BAT in Pakistan, and discusses ways of countering thyem.
Asia Times: Japanese Government Addicted To Tobacco
Article on the government of Japan's ties to the Japanese tobacco industry, and the effect on health programs in Japan.
Tobacco Control Program In Czech Republic
Aims to heighten public awareness and catalyze policy change necessary for the creation of a tobacco-free environment in the Czech Republic.
The Epidemiology of Smoking in Ukraine
Slides from a college lecture reporting the results of a cross sectional survey undertaken in 2000.
Research for International Tobacco Control
Research reports from Vietnam, Turkey, South Africa, India, China, Brazil, and Latin America; other countries and areas forthcoming.
Marlboro Man Rides into Russia
Short CNN article on tobacco industry activity in Russia.
Health Promotion: Global Perspectives
Sep/Oct 200 issue of American Journal of Health Promotion devoted to tobacco control; includes perspectives from the UK, South Africa, Romania, Argentina, and globally.
SmokeFree Ramadan
Free and confidential advice to quit smoking in English, Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, and Turkish/Kurdish languages.
Doctors and Tobacco: Medicine's Big Challenge
Action manual for medical associations and their members, available in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Smoke Screen: Big Tobacco is Working Hard to Ensure the Whole World will Get Its Taste Of Freedom
Article from Hamburg, Germany, explores Philip Morris cigarette promotion worldwide.
Tobacco` Free Asia
Country profiles, tobacco control measures, tobacco industry activities, media, news centre, and links to other sites.
Clean Air Coalition of B.C.
Advocates for smokefree workplaces and public places in British Columbia, Canada.
Smokefree Calgary
Advocates for smokefree restaurants, workplaces, and other indoor places where children have access.
The Syrian Center For Tobacco Studies
Tobacco prevention and control information in Syria
Tobacco Free Initiative Pakistan
Initiative sponsored by the Network for Consumer Protection in Pakistan to mount resistance to the tobacco industry, to educate about tobacco use, and to pressure the government to introduce controls on tobacco sale and promotion.
Filter Online
A tobacco advocacy newsletter for central and eastern European countries, published by the Hungarian Health Center.
Eastern Europe Tobacco Ad Library
Over a dozen ads at different locations, thumbnail sized and fullsize, with brief analysis.
Research for International Tobacco Control
Funds multidisciplinary tobacco control research projects in developing countries.
Marlboro Man Rides High as Smoking, Death Rates Soar
Radio Free Europe report on tobacco industry marketing in central and eastern Europe.
Tobacco Industry Activity in the Middle East
Report from the WHO Regional office for the Eastern Mediterranean Region documents tobacco industry front groups, lobbying, PR campaigns, spying on tobacco control organizations, and delaying or blocking anti-tobacco measures in the region.
Norwegian Department of Tobacco Control
Health and smoking prevalence in Norway, Norwegian tobacco control policy, history of tobacco control initiatives in norway, tobacco ligigation worldwide and in Norway.
Is Tobacco A Development Issue?
UK Institute of Development Studies discussion asks, what are the consequences of cigarette consumption for the world's poorest regions? Is tobacco control a development issue? Sections include: summary; tobacco, poverty, and health; taxation; tobacco companies; policy lessions; conclusions.
The Environmental Action Network (TEAN)
Tobacco control organization in Uganda. News, reports, images of tobacco promotion in Uganda, related litigation.
The Tobacco Reference Guide: International
Covers tobacco issues in Canada, China, Eastern Europe, Hong Kong, India, Bangladesh, Japan, Korea, Latin America, the Middle East, Northern Africa, the Philippines, Russia and the former Soviet Union, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Western Europe.
Smoke-Free Nova Scotia
Coalition of groups committed to a tobacco-free Nova Scotia, Canada.
Tobacco Unwrapped
The Health Education Board for Scotland provides information and resources about tobacco, such as smokeline and e-smokeline for help with stopping smoking and teenage smoking issues. It also provides guidance, advice and information to help both smokers and health professionals overcome nicotine withdrawal and beat nicotine addiction.
Cigarette Smoking Among Teens in the Philippines
Short article on trends in smoking in the Philipines.
Consumer Voice: Tobacco
Consumer awareness magazine in India covers tobacco news, effects of tobacco use, spit tobacco, and tobacco advertising and promotional activities in India.
EMRO Tobacco Free Initiative Homepage
World Health Organization initiative on tobacco in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO) provides posters and factsheets on smoking in English and Arabic, Islamic rules and Christian views on smoking.
Ireland Sub-Committee on Health and Smoking
Committee in the Parliament of Ireland held three days of hearings on the effects of smoking on Ireland; transcripts here.
A Worldwide Tour of Philip Morris and BAT cigarette promotion
Short update on recent cigarette promotion in countries from Yugoslavia to Kenya.
Tobacco Research from Around the World: An International Perspective Poster Session
Abstracts from scientific publications presented at a health conference, discusses issues in Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, Banglandesh, France, Taiwan.
Poland's Experience in Tobacco Control
Paper presented at a health conference outlines the impact of tobacco on Poland, tobacco control strategies, tobacco industry opposition, and outcomes.
Tobacco: A Global Killer
Short factsheet outlines and provides examples of massive tobacco promotion around the globe, and summarizes the consequences.
Tobacco Marketing: Photos From Around The World
Cigarette ads and promotions around the world, captured in photos of tobacco billboards, magazine advertisements, concerts, sports events, point of sale ads, and trinkets.
Tobacco Giant Blows Smokescreen on Risks
British American Tobacco (BAT) tried to undermine the work of health experts in southern Africa in the 1990's; article explains.
Local Tobacco Prevention Groups Form Global Connections
Article on Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control, an organization that helps tobacco prevention across borders.
Smoking: Rage Against the Machine
North Eastern Health Board, Ireland, offering information for teenagers and young adults helping them make healthy decisions around smoking.
Next Stop: the Third World
Discussion of cigarette promotion by tobacco transnationals to developing countries.
Ceche: International Tobacco Control Program
Health group fights international tobacco promotion.
Tobacco Reforms
Information for local government, tobacco retailers, restaurants and cafes, pubs and clubs, choppign centers, environmental health officers, and smokers, on changes to tobacco law in Australia.
Tobacco Industry Influence in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Documentary evidence on tobacco industry collusion in the Middle East, tobacco industry lobbying, attempts to influence political figures and the media, campaigns to defeat tobacco advertising bans, smokefree laws, manufacturing regulations, cigarette taxes.
Tobacco Lobby Bought Out Doctors in Scandinavia
News item on how Philip Morris sought out sympathetic medical doctors in Denmark and Sweden, and paid them money to void their opposition to anti-smoking groups.
India Inhales
Article interviews cancer sufferers and campaigners, and looks at the effects of the globalization of tobacco addiction.
Tobacco Control Information
Tobacco control information for countries of central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, in English and Russion.
The Tobacco Industry in New Zealand
Public health monograph of 105 pages (PDF format covers how the tobacco industry in New Zealand relates to the direct health effects of smoking, the addictiveness of nicotine, the effects of secondhand smoke, industry misuse of product design and opposition to harm reduction, industry opposition to tobacco control initiatives.
Smoke Free Ottawa
Aims to create a smoke-free city where all citiens are protected form the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, where smokers are encouraged to quit, and where former smokers have help in remaining smokefree; in English and French.
Tobacco in New Zealand
Wide range of information on tobacco smoking and tobacco control in New Zealand, including statistics on smoking and illness, activities underway to reduce smoking by New Zealanders, and global efforts to confront the tobacco epidemic.
Smoke Screen: U.S. Tobacco Overseas
Transcript of radio program on promotion of tobacco in developing countries by U.S. tobacco giants.
World Health Organization Tobacco Free Initiative, Eastern Mediterranean
Publications on the tobacco industry's tactics to undermine tobacco prevention in Egypt and North Africa, illicit tobacco trade in the Middle East, the economics of tobacco in Egypt and Morocco, and papers on tobacco in English and Arabic.
Tobacco in Developing Countries: Dream Scenario or Shrill Wake-Up Call?
A slide show countering some of the common myths related to tobacco and developing countries.
Tobacco Unwrapped
Tobacco unwrapped provides guidance, advice and information to help both smokers and health professionals overcome nicotine withdrawal and beat nicotine addiction; sponsored by the Health Education Board of Scotland.
Tobacco Free Initiative
World Health Organization effort against use of tobacco.
Marlboro Man Goes East
Report on industry activity in Germany, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and other East European nations.
Taking on Tobacco Imperialism
Interviews with advocates on industry activity in Canada, Hong Kong, Poland, and Thailand.
Where there's smoke
Article on smoking and tobacco in Hungary.
Tobacco - Nova Scotia Communities Taking Action
Health conferences, ways to take action in the community, laws to protect from secondhand smoke, contact information, organizations, statistics and surveys, and tools.
Tobacco Marketing - Where There's Smoke, There's Deception
Article on how Philip Morris is selling the Marboro Man in Egypt.
Help Stop Global Tobacco Today
Campaign to support the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
Tobacco Industry Attempts to Subvert European Union Tobacco Advertising Legislation
Research report on tobacco industry programs aimed at defeating EU legislation governing tobacco advertising and promotion.
The Tobacco Industry Successful Efforts to Control Tobacco Policy Making in Switzerland
UCSF report. Executive summaries in German, English, and French. Full report in English.
Kicking the (US) Habit
Despite months of diplomatic arm-twisting, the Bush administration's tobacco-friendly treaty demands have gone up in flames, and a strong Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is going forward.
Asian Pacific Islander Tobacco Education Network
Resources in Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese languages. Impact of tobacco products on communities. - Fighting for Lungs and Minds in Asia
Article on targetting of Asia by the tobacco industry.
Coalition for Tobacco Free Malaysia
Facts and figures on tobacco consumption and its effects in Malaysia.
Tobacco Wars in Canada
Article surveys tobacco scene in Canada, the industry, and activists.
Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
Covers everything from tobaco marketing to constituents of secondhand smoke to economic costs of smoking in Canada to tobacco industry front groups in Canada.
Tobacco Industry Success in Preventing Regulation of Secondhand Smoke in Latin America
Research examines the tobacco industry's strategy to avoid regulations on secondhand smoke exposure in Latin America.
Insights from Australian Tobacco Industry Documents
Full issue of research journal provides 14 papers on discoveries about the Australian tobacco industry from its own documents.