Web Pages
Oral Effects of Tobacco
Effects on oral mucosa, gingival and bone damage, damage to teeth local physiology, microbiology, esthetics.
Tobacco and Periodontal Diseases
Factsheet; short and to the point.
Tobacco Induced and Associated Oral Conditions
Covers effects on mouth, teeth, gums, tongue, breath, taste, and smell.
Why the Marlboro Man Is a Fan of Efferdent
Every drag takes you a step closer to gumming your way through dinner: cigarettes cause gum disease and subsequent tooth loss.
Tobacco Use and Periodontal Disease
A lesser known effect of tobacco products: tooth and gum disease. With modern dental care, 80% of nonsmokers still have their own teeth at age 65; for smokers, the odds aren't nearly so good. These and other facts from the American Academy of Periodontology.
Tobacco Consumption and Periodontal Disease
Abstract and review of the literature; table shows odds ratio.
Tobacco and Your Oral Health
Articles on smoking and periodontal disease, cigars and oral health, spit tobacco and oral health, sports and spit tobacco.
Tobacco & Nicotine & Dental Health
Information and resources on tobacco and dental health from ADA ONLINE, the American Dental Association's Web site.
How Many Teeth Are In That Cigarette Pack
The Academy of General Dentistry provides information on how tobacco products cause loss of teeth.
Tobacco and Dental Problems
32 page factsheet from a book on tobacco covers what tobacco products do to teeth and gums.
Cigar and Pipe Smoking are as Dangerous as Cigarettes to Periodontal Health
"Pierce Brosnan and Demi Moore have appeared on covers of cigar magazines...What the covers don't show is models with missing teeth." Yet recent research shows that cigars, pipes, and cigarettes all damage periodontal health and cause tooth loss.
Oral Cancer: the Tobacco Connection
Oral Cancer Foundation information on the problem, advertising and economics, types of tobacco, demographics, nicotine and addiction, and quitting tobacco.
Cigar and Pipes Cause Tooth and Gum Disease
Recent research shows that cigars and pipe smoking have nearly the same adverse effects on periodontal health and tooth loss as cigarette smoking.
Smoking-Attributable Periodontitis in the United States
Abstract from scientific article estimates the amount of periodontitis in the United States adult population caused by cigarettes and other tobacco products.
Cigarettes Cause Dental Treatment Failure
Not only do cigarettes and other tobacco products cause tooth and gum disease, they also cause dental treatment to fail, according to recent research.