Infant Colic
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Web Pages
Helps ease the discomfort associated with babies' colicky pains and gas. Alcohol and sodium bicarbonate free. An informational section to assist parents and grandparents of colicky babies.
Colic in Babies, Every Parents Nightmare
Ways in which to comfort a baby with colic, including homeopathic remedies.
Crying Babies
Information and products for calming a crying, fussy baby with colic.
Offers support and information including articles, message boards and reviewed remedies to calm the colicky, crying baby.
All Natural Baby Colic Treatment
Created by Physical Therapist - The Towle Method uses exercise, massage and positioning to help manage colic episodes.
Infant Colic
Fact sheet explaining the causes, symptoms and treatment of infant colic, available for downloading in Adobe Acrobat format.
Breastfeeding a Baby with Reflux
Support for mothers who are breastfeeding babies with reflux. Includes links, articles, and personal experiences.
Dr. Greene - Colic Will Not Last Forever
What causes colic? What can be done for colic? Dr. Alan Greene explains the colicky baby and how parents can help their child find relief.