Web Pages |
My Child Has |
Health and parenting issues are discussed regarding conditions and diseases. |
Triple X Syndrome |
Information and support for parents with daughters having 47,XXX, triple X or Trisomy X syndrome. Site contains scientific literature and contacts. |
Pedbase |
Database of more than 550 pediatric diseases. A good introduction is given to many disorders. |
Children and Chronic Illness |
Treatment resources for children with chronic illness. |
CHARGE Syndrome Association |
Provides information about CHARGE syndrome, related disorders, therapies and outcome. |
Neonatal Jaundice |
Basic information about jaundice in newborn infants, why it happens, how it's treated and links. |
Major Aspects of Growth in Children (MAGIC) |
An organization providing support and education regarding growth disorders in children and related adult disorders. Includes Growth Hormone Deficiency, Barth Syndrome, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Precocious Puberty, Russell-Silver Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, Thyroid Disorders Septo Optic Dysplasia, McCune-Albright Syndrome, and Rare Disorder/Hypophosphatasia. |
Febrile Convulsions |
Information and first aid advice for parents from the Westmead Children's Hospital. |
Tomatis Listening Method |
Auditory intervention for learning disabilities, autism, PDD, ADD, and other learning challenges. |
Micro and Anopthalmic Children's Society (MACS) |
Provides support and information for parents and professionals, about the eye disorders Microphthalmia, Anophthalmia, Coloboma and related conditions. |
Fetal (Foetal) Alcohol Syndrome |
Features information and support for parents and health professionals. |
Birth Marks |
Describes vascular anomalies, birthmarks, hemangiomas, and port wine stains, and their treatment. |
Gastroschisis |
Describes the management of antenatally diagnosed Gastroschisis. |
Overweight Children -- How to Help Your Child |
A practical guide to helping your child to lose weight and combat obesity. |
Bladder Disorders in Children at Seek Wellness |
Offers information about various incontinence conditions in children and possible treatments from by expert, Diane Newman. |
CDC Health Topic: Infants and Children |
Survey of child and infant diseases and conditions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. |
Guide to Your Child's Symptoms |
Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics with advise on children's symptoms. |
Child and Teen Health Topics |
Compilation of child and teen diseases and conditions by Medline from the National Institute of Health. |
Tobacco Use by Children |
Report from the World Health Organiziation. |
Health-Doc.com:Diabetes |
Health report about the increase of children in North America diagnosed with type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes. Nutrition suggestions given. |
Common Problems in Pediatrics |
Articles about common childhood illnesses. For health professionals and consumers. |
Arkansas Children's Hospital |
Describes sleep disorders treated at their hospital, including conditions that may lead to SIDS. |
Childstress.com |
Information and ideas to help kids reduce stress and teaches the healthy benefits. |