Web Pages
Double Dippin'
Article from the Texas Observer looks at tobacco money and influence on a Texas public official.
Tobacco Industry Power and Influence in Florida
Summary of recent research.
While Making deal, Philip Morris officials gave to Thompson
"As their lawyers were hammering out a multibillion-dollar settlement with the states, Philip Morris executives and their subsidiaries did their best to clog Gov. Tommy Thompson's campaign coffers with cash." Article explains. (Thompson is now US Secretary of Health and Human Services).
Wisconsin Leaders Beholden to Tobacco Interests, Groups Say
By Richard P. Jones. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel] Advocates for campaign finance reform and a smoke-free environment say that Wisconsin is squandering $1.3 billion in tobacco settlement money to solve its fiscal crisis because it's beholden to tobacco companies.
Lobbying by Philip Morris in Wisconsin
Lists money spent by date and by bill lobbied.
Lobbyist Lurking in Disguise
Seattle times story covers how a Philip Morris lobbyist works.
Tobacco Institute Llobbying at the State and Local Levels of Government in the 1990s
Paper in scientific journal examines money spent, purposes, and effectiveness of tobacco industry lobbying on state and city governments.
Tobacco Lobbyists Have Earned Their Pay
1997 Pulitzer prize winning editorial on tobacco lobbyists in the state of Iowa, how they served the tobacco industry, and influenced what laws get on the books.
Blowing Smoke Rings Around the Statehouses
Washington Monthly article on tobacco industry lobbying in state legislatures.
Philip Morris and Gifts to Legislators
Short article on money and gifts accepted by Virginia legislators from Philip Morris, and pending tobacco issues before the Virginia legislature.
Tobacco Lobby Political Influence on US State Legislatures in the 1990s
Research paper examines recently released tobacco industry documents, examines how the industry advanced a pro-tobacco agenda in state legislatures in the 1990s, analysis the industry's market and political motivations and strategies.
California Common Cause -- Tobacco Report
Report on the California campaign contributions and lobbying expenditures of the tobacco industry and its allies, and what they buy. Downloadable databases itemize money spent.
Tobacco and Its Money Have Minority Allies in New York
New York Times article covers Philip Morris and R. J. Reyolds money in Black and Hispanic organizations, and its influence on smoking and tobacco legislation.
While Making Deal, Philip Morris Officials Gave to Thompson
News article. "As their lawyers were hammering out a multibillion-dollar settlement with the states, Philip Morris executives did their best to clog Gov. Tommy G. Thompson's campaign coffers with cash."
Influence of the Tobacco Industry on Wisconsin Tobacco Control Policies
112 page report covers tobacco industry lobbying, influence on local and Wisconsin state government, influence on restaurant and private business, fighting clean indoor air, manipulating the media, and undermining science.
Money Talks: Study Claims Tobacco Dollars Influence States
Report concludes that the tobacco industry money has influenced state legislatures into weakening tobacco prevention programs.
Tobacco Money Buys Votes
Common Cause Florida report examines how the tobacco industry uses campaign contributions to influence the legislative process in Florida.
Tobacco Industry Woos Connecticut Lawmakers
Tobacco companies spent $3.6 million lobbying the Connecticut legislature between 1994 and 2002; news report looks at what that bought.
How Big Tobacco Barred the Gate Against Smoking Bans
News story on the influence of Big Tobacco in fighting smokefree public places in Washington State.
Minnesota: The Truth About Big Tobacco
Reports on tobacco lobbyists and tobacco industry front groups in the state of Minnesota.