Personal Pages
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Web Pages
OCD and Poetry
One individual's personal battle with OCD, anxiety, and depression. Includes discussion forum on anxiety, depression, and panic.
Joe's OCD page
Just a small page to let people know that they are not alone and some links.
Thought Hiccups
An OCD site run by a teen sufferer for teens with OCD also. Includes a chat room.
Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Information on this condition written from a personal perspective. Includes descriptions of related disorders, a list of books, and links to online resources.
Food, Exercise and Mood
Personal theories on how nutrition and exercize may impact this condition.
Doubt and Other Disorders
Personal perspective, expert information, OCD support groups, chat, journals
My OCD Den
What is it like living with OCD? Information on signs, symptoms, treatments, and help for family and friends. Site includes OCD diary and bulletin board.
My Obsessively Clean Den
A meeting place for people with OCD.
OCD Panic Attack Support
Personal site for those with OCD and Panic Attacks. Site also has a members-only email group.
Turn OCD Caterpillars Into Butterflies
Personal story of a nurse who developed OCD as an adult. Includes humor and poetry sections, information for educators, and a list of resources for those with OCD.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Gay Fears
Personal reflections on this under-recognized variation of the disorder.
Brainphysics Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
A site about personal struggles with this condition, emphasizing religious, sexual, and eating issues. Includes bulletin board, chat room, and links to research articles.
One Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Personal perspectives on this condition by an individual who suffers from it. Includes discussion board and online survey.
OCD Haven
Personal site for those suffering from this disorder.
Elene's OCD Expression Zone
OCD in day to day language: info, treatment, journals and literary artwork.
My OCD Corner.
One man's personal reflections on his experiences with this condition.
There Is OCD Hope
Personal thoughts on this condition from a born-again Christian perspective.
Battle of The Mind
Religious, personal stories, and guidance for people who suffer with OCD or Scrupulosity.