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OCD Patient and Family Handout
In-depth article explains the nature and appropriate treatment of OCD. Developed for individuals with OCD and their families by the OC Foundation and the American Psychiatric Association.
Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation
Not-for-profit organization of people with OCD and related disorders, their families, and mental health professionals, providing support, assistance, and education to the public. Discussion of therapy and drug treatment options, effects in children, bulletin board.
Internet Mental Health OCD Information
Articles on research, diagnosis, and treatment of OCD, as well as an online OCD self-test. Also includes links to OCD organizations and online resources for other anxiety disorders.
Again and Again
A large, organized collection of annotated links to OCD-related web sites.
Ontario OCD Network
Information on OCD and its treatment. Includes list of support groups across Canada, and links to organizations and treatment facilities in Canada and US.
MentalHealthChannel - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Information
Includes details on symptoms, prognosis, diagnosis and treatment.
Expert Consensus Guidelines for Treatment of OCD
Professional treatment guidelines developed for use by clinicians.
Awareness Foundation for OCD and Related Disorders
Non-profit organization promoting public awareness of OCD and related disorders through educational films and public presentations.
Paxil Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Information
Description of the condition, its symptoms, and its treatment. (From drug manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline.)
Hoarding Fact Sheet
This guide assists seniors who are hoarders, and offers detailed intervention guidelines. Produced by the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health - Older Adults Services Division.
Mayo Clinic OCD Information
A description of OCD, including symptoms, causes, treatment and self-care advice.
Dr. Randy Frost
Smith College researcher specializing in OCD, especially "hoarding". Links to articles on OCD and other anxiety disorders.
Medifocus OCD Guide
Description of symptoms and treatment for OCD, and links to information on other psychiatric and medical conditions.
eMedicine - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Article, bibliography, and resources regarding the Obsessive-Comulsive Disorder.
Anxieties.com OCD Information
Information on OCD and its treatment.
Mental Health Net - OCD and Tic Disorders
Basic information including symptoms, treatments, and links to online resources.
OCD Action
British organization for individuals with OCD. Includes information on treatment, as well as links to various online resources.