Web Pages
Economic Impacts of Smoke-Free Environments
Effect of going smokefree on restaurants, bars, hotels, tourism, and sales.
Restaurants Mark One Year Smoke-free
News article on the one-year anniversary of restaurants going smoke-free in Springfield, Massachusetts reports that fears of lost business "have disappeared along with the smoke".
Maine Declares Restaurant Smoke Ban a Success
When Maine's restaurants went smokefree, business in restaurants increased during the first three quarters the law was on the books.
Smoke Free World
Worldwide guide to smokefree entertainment, dining, travel and business. Well organized!
Study of Smoking Ban in Restaurants
Research finds that New York City's smoking ban has not hurt business.
Effect of smokefree bar law on bar revenues in California
Objective data (sales tax) and rigorous analysis (multiple linear regression analysis) reveals that smokefree bars laws are not bad for the bar business; on the contrary, these laws appear to be good for business.
Thirty Compelling Reasons to Become a Smoke-Free Restaurant
Article from GASP of Colorado lists the reasons.
Smoke-Free Bars Still Successful
June 1998 sales tax receipts indicate bar business is doing well in California after going smokefree.
Smoke-free Restaurant Laws
Graphs restaurant revenues before and after smokefree laws.
Letter from San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce
In 1990, San Luis Obispo, California became the first city in the world to ban smoking in all public buildings including bars and restaurants. Since then, the number of eating and drinking establishments in the city have grown, taxable transacations from eating and drinking establishments have eclipsed statewide levels, the number of tourists to the city has grown exponentially, and the occupany tax collected by the city is at a record high.
Restaurant/Bar Smoking Ban Has Not Hurt CA Business
In contrast to predictions of economic ruin, bars around the state appear to have enjoyed a healthy increase in business during the first year of smokefree bars, 1999 sales data show.
Explains and documents how the tobacco industry sells restaurants and bars the lie that smokefree laws will hurt them.
Quality of Studies of The Economic Effects of Smokefree Policies on the Hospitality Industry
Scientific article reviews almost 100 economic studies on the economic effects of smokefree policies at restaurants and bars.
Assessment of the Impact of a 100% Smoke-Free Ordinance on Restaurant Sales
When the city of West Lake Hills, Texas, went smoke-free, restaurant sales were studied before and after.
Restaurants Not Hurt by Smoking Ban, Study Finds
Erie County's law prohibiting smoking in restaurants has not hurt business in the restaurant industry, a recent study finds.
Critique of Dunham and Marlow studies
Analysis of the Dunham and Marlowe "studies" commissioned by Philip Morris that claim to show that going smokefree hurts business.
Economic Impact of the Smokefree Bar Law in California
Summary of latest research on effect on bar revenues of going smokefree.
New York City's Smoke-Free Air Act Has Not Hurt Restaurant Business
Researchers at Cornell University found that a smoke-free policy for restaurants attracts more business and revenue than it drives away.
Waitress Got Cancer On The Job
Heather Crowe never smoked a day in her life; she got lung cancer from secondhand smoke where she worked as a waitress; article gives a personal account.
Non-Smoking Restaurants in Paris, in France and in the World
From the French Non-Smokers' Rights Association, Droit à l'air pur.
Massachusetts Report on Economic Effect of Restaurants Going SmokeFree
Summarizes a report on the economic effects of restaurant smoking restrictions on restaurant business in Massachusetts. Concludes it did not lead to a decrease in business.
Comparing Environmental Tobacco Smoke Intake Among Restaurant Workers and Adults at Home
Original research measured ETS exposures at work (for restaurant workers) and compared it to measured exposures at home. Work exposure is generally higher.
Restaurants and Bars that go Cigarette-free Often Prosper
Restaurant owner writes that when his restaurant went smokefree, business did not suffer, and this is the trend.
Restaurants, Bars Do Well Despite Smoking Ban
News story; sales tax reports show that business is up in El Paso's eating and drinking establishments after they went smokefree.
Restaurant Owner, Manager, and Employee Quotes on Going Smokefree
Collection of quotes by restaurant owners and staff on the economic benefits of going smokefree.
Going Smoke Free Profitably
Guide for restaurants outlines the health and financial benefits of going 100% smokefree, and how to maximize profits when making the conversion.
No Change in Tourism after Restaurants go Smokefree
Debunking tobacco industry arguments, economic analysis shows that in fact smokefree laws do not hurt tourist business, and may even increase business.
Smoke-Free Economics
Summary of research finds that sales do not suffer when bars and restaurants go smokefree.
Impact of a Smoking Ban on Restaurant and Bar Revenues
Research finds no effect on El Paso restaurant and bar revenues occurred after a strong smokefree ordinance went into effect in 2002.