Personal Pages
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Web Pages
My Day at the Fiesta Bowl Parade
Jean's story about her interaction with a horse and cart in the parade.
Asger and Anton
In 1992, at the age of 19, Asger received a severe brain injury after his heart stopped. Read a summary of the family's experiences and view pictures of them in China, Morocco and riding a camel. Anton is president of the Danish Brain Injury Association and vice-president of Brain Injured and Families (BIF)- European Confederation.
Coma Diaries
A resource and support guide on coma and brain injury for family and friends of survivors.
New To Medical Science Brain Damage Psychogenically Dismissed.
Caused by nervous exhaustion and mind drugs. Affects the senses, muscles, mind, speech and emotions. Autobiographical case history of misdiagnosed Stephen Cattier.
In My Solitude
Brain injury: a personal perspective, coping and moving on after a TBI with focus on personal growth and setting goals to overcome deficits, including a daily journal.
Greg Whorwood
The struggle for a young boy struck down at 15 and in deep coma for three months, semi conscious for another nine months, still recovering and at special college in England.
Typo's Tea
Memorial for "Typo" who died May, 2001. A place for people to share their memories with Typo's family and hopefully receive comfort for their grief. Includes Typo quotes, memorial, tea poll, traumatic brain injury links, survivor pages, and FAQ.
Dale's Homepage For Fun!
A TBI survivor who refuses to dwell on his injuries talks about his singing, friends, family, dreams, and fencing.
Chasin Reynolds: Recovering from TBI
A touching story of a beautiful, young woman who sustained a traumatic brain injury in an auto accident. Details of the accident, her injuries, and progress. Includes dramatic pictures.
Surviving Brain Injury
I was 29yrs old my DOA was 6-29-94 I was in a coma for 3 1/2 weeks. My inspired true stories at the worst/lowest time in my life.
Betsy's Support Page for Traumatic Brain Injury
Help and suggestions for care givers, family members, loved ones, and all who have been affected by traumatic brain injury from a daughter of a survivor.
Michelle's Web
For survivors of serious brain injury and their family. Personal stories, links to helpful information, and a message board.
Harold Kennel Information
Personal site with proof that hope exists for coma and closed head injury patients. (Formerly called Coma Recovery)
The World of TBI
Through poetry and musings, a young singer shares her heartbreak, anger, and feelings of what she is forced to live with daily, five years after a horrific car accident.
Yves' Acquired Brain Injury
The story of a man with acquired brain injury told by his brother. Details of the auto accident causing the Brain Injury and ongoing therapy types are included.
Richard's Story: A Young Man's Struggle with Traumatic Brain Injury
In November, 1999, Richard suffered horrific brain injuries in a car crash and was given no chance of survival. His father describes the on-going battle with TBI.
Parents Connected By Head Injury and Jesus Christ
Offers a message board and links to a couple of other Christian related sites.
Friendship Corner/Brain buddies
A message board for those who wish to talk about surgery, traumas, tumors, aneurysm and brain injuries.
Traumatic Brain Injury: A Mind Numbing Experience
A Church Organist talks about his work related TBI and the changes the injury made in his ability to perform at work, home, and playing the organ.
My Son Robert
A mother built this site for her son after he suffered from a TBI and is now in a coma. Learn about his life before and after, and follow links to sites where people can get more information.
Your Brain Injury Headquarters
A survivor shares experiences and links to information and products that may help others cope with a TBI.
The Road to Recovery
A site dedicated to tracking the progress of one man's brother, an Air Force Captain, who suffered a TBI in November, 2001.
Traumatic Brain Injury: a Mind Numbing Experience
A man relates experiences after receiving a brain injury when a 52 pound television set fell on his head. Includes basic TBI information and resources.
BJ's Closet
A survivor provides links to information about TBI, symptoms, drug searches, herbal treatment, physical and emotional therapy, and recovery possibilities. Also gives a background on her life and interests.
Chris' Story: Survivor of TBI
"Trooper," an Airborne Soldier and survivor of traumatic brain injury offers pictures and text chronicling his life with pride, trauma, struggle, and inspiration. Also provides ideas for therapeutic activities Brain Injury Survivors can do at home.
Sacha's Miraculous Story
A baby survives and beats the odds despite severe brain damage from Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy.
One Step Closer
In February 2002, Debra Moretta, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Two days after completing chemotherapy treatments something went horribly wrong. Today Debra and her family are battling with the effects of a TBI. Prayers are requested to aide Debra in her recovery. (Page does not work with many versions of Netscape.)
Site Copernicus
Provides support and resources for people with a brain injury. Offers poetry, journal writings, chat room, and links to information about a variety of disabilities and medical issues.