Brain Injury
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Web Pages
TBI Resource Guide
Information on brain injury, rehabilitation, long-term assisted living, medications, and current research, from the Centre for Neuro Skills.
Traumatic Brain Injury Survival Guide
Information, for survivors and their families, provided on the honor system from Clinical Neuropsychologist Dr. Glen Johnson. Topics include signs of a brain injury, coping with common problems, and dealing with doctors.
National Resource Center For Traumatic Brain Injury
Providing information for professionals, persons with brain injury, and family members. Also developing intervention programs, and assessment tools.
Brain Injury - A Guide for Families and Friends
Basic information about brain injury and its treatment, from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
Anatomy of a Head Injury
Causes, symptoms and assessment of brain injuries.
Acquired Brain Injury, Defined
Short article describing ABI, directed at college students.
Brain Injury Resource Center
Offers information, reference materials, and self-help resources. Provides links to support and discussion groups, rehabilitation sites, publications and journals.
Perspectives Network On-Line
Brain injury resources including detailed links, multiple language FAQS, diagrams and tools, on-line newsletter and article archives.
Acquired Brain Injury and Hidden Visual Problems
Addressing visual problems that may be overlooked during initial treatment of brain injury.
Coma Waiting Page
Information about coma and brain injury directed at helping with answers and support in those critical first days and weeks, while waiting for someone to awake from a coma.
Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Center
Working to raise awareness of TBI's effect on society, and provide easily accessible information and support for survivors, their loved ones, and the professionals who work on their behalf.
Coma can be caused by an underlying illness, or it can result from head trauma. A comatose person is still very much alive, but he or she is not simply asleep. Get information from board certified Neurologists, find a neurologist in your area.
TBINET at Mount Sinai School of Medicine
The Research and Training Center on Community Integration of Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury. Provides a large database on a variety of Post-TBI challenges as well as the activities and research findings of the RTC. Maintains a newsletter, consumer reports, and journal articles for individuals with TBI and their family and friends. Also offers other publications and resources, designed for professionals.
Post Concussion Syndrome Page
Personal stories and information on Mild Brain Injury, chat room, message board, and mailing list.
NARIC Databases: Brain Injuries
Introduction to resources available from the National Rehabilitation Information Center.
Family Caregiver Alliance Fact Sheet
Offers an overview of head injury, its effects, prognosis and treatment.
Coma - A Healing Journey
Excerpt from Dr. Amy Mindell's book discussing the importance of communication style and the effects of what you say to a person in a coma. (InnerSelf Magazine)
Topics include a description of a brain injury, types of rehabilitation, importance of the neuropsychological assessment, coping strategies, conferences and events, how to find qualified professionals, and resources for patients, families, and professionals.
Information and services for spinal cord and traumatic brain injury rehabilitation.
The Brain Spot
An accessible site designed for brain injury survivors, persons with memory impairments and new Internet users. Includes links to games, discussion board, activity resources, and personal pages.
NINDS Traumatic Brain Injury Information
Fact sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Contents include definition, treatment methods, prognosis, current research projects, and references.
Article from the Medical College of Wisconsin about "Sports Concussions a Growing Concern." Describes the symptoms and effects of mild brain injuries as well as multiple concussions.
Missouri Model Brain Injury System
Investigating factors that affect and improve the outcomes of individuals with traumatic brain injury. Primarily serving patients in rural settings.
Services and Supports for Persons with Brain Injury
From the University of North Carolina -- Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies. Project designed to enable individuals with brain injury to decrease social isolation and loneliness, strengthen community living skills, and increase the skills needed to participate in inclusive recreation opportunities.
Locked-in Syndrome from NINDS
Booklet describing the basics of this rare disorder, treatment, prognosis, research, and references.
Whiplash Injury
Scientific information about cervicocephalic trauma, lesions, symptoms, and recovery.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)'s newsletter dealing with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of TBIs.
Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Guidelines
Developed by the New Zealand Guidelines Group to help service providers improve rehabilitation services and results. Also offers a sample fact sheet for people with brain injury, their families, and friends.
The TBI Help Desk for Caregivers
Information and resources to increase the quality of care available to Brain Injured patients after departure from the Hospital. Includes a chat room and discussion board as well as articles, tips, FAQs, glossary, personal experiences, and phone numbers for a variety of helpful agencies.
A medical, legal, and informational resource for persons dealing with traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Brain Injury Research Center
A database of research and educational materials designed for people with TBI, their families, and professionals. Item description gives short synopsis, target audience, media format, cost, language, and where it can be obtained.
The Missouri Traumatic Brain Injury Demonstration Project
Focuses on strengthening relationships between hospitals, private rehabilitation service providers, and local school districts regarding supports for TBI. Offers resources, support group listing, and events calendar. Online publications include the "Head Injury Guide" for survivors and caregivers, and a "Self Study Series" covering medical effects, social concerns, and vocational aspects after a brain injury.
What You Should Know About Traumatic Brain Injury
Fact sheet with tips for preventing brain injuries from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, SafeUSA.
Traumatic Brain Injury Fact Sheet
A booklet prepared by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Covers treatment, research, symptoms, rehabilitation, types of brain injury, and resources.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Medical and informational resource for individuals dealing with traumatic brain injury.
Head Injury Information
Offers stories, articles, essays, and resources.
Traumatic Brain Injury: Cognitive and Communication Disorders
NIDCD's fact sheet covering the problems, assessment, treatment, and research related to TBI.
The Brain Injury Recovery Network
Dedicated to helping victims and families of brain and other serious injuries. Information, tips, and advice provided by people who have been through the same experience.
Frequently Asked Questions About Head Injury
Basic information about traumatic brain injury, coma, seizures, and what to expect from treatment.