Consumer Information
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Web Pages
Products Offered for Smoking Cessation on the World Wide Web
A review of quit-smoking products found on the Web finds that most have no science behind them and may even be harmful.
It's Quittin' Time: Smokers Need Not Rely on Willpower Alone
FDA information on the nicotine patch, gum, nasal spray, and inhaler, and Zyban.
FDA: No Over-The-Counter Smoking Deterrent Works
This includes pills, tablets, lozenges and chewing gum-type products sold under various names such as Cigarrest, Bantron, Tabmint, Nikoban and others. However, some prescription products have been found safe and effective as smoking cessation aids. Note: at the time this was written, the gum and patch were prescription products.
It's Quittin' Time: Smokers Need Not Rely on Willpower Alone
Article from FDA Consumer magazine, updated to Feb 1998. Reviews quit smoking aids and quitting itself.
Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation
Article in scientific journal. Examines whether acupuncture is effective for quitting smoking. Conclusion is it does no better than placebo.
Quitting Smoking: A Consumer's Guide
CDC, FDA information from GSA; covers which products (as of 1994) had been found safe and effective and which had not.
Is Bupropion an Effective Treatment for Smoking Cessation?
Slide presentation evaluates effectivess measurements for Bupropion ("Zyban"), the nicotine patch, the gum; also presents general information on smoking, addiction, and quitting.
Smokers Advised to Combine Therapies
The combined use of nicotine patches and sprays is the best way to quit smoking, researchers find.
Effectiveness of Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking
Researchers at Ohio State University reviewed five dozen studies and conclude that smokers who are hopeful that hypnosis will help them kick their habit need to temper their expectations.
Zyban for Smoking Cessation
Briefly reviews the scientific literature on safety and effectiveness.
Prescriptions to Help Smokers Quit
Reprint from FDA Consumer magazine, June 1994, written by a geneticist and author of a biology text. Discusses the pros and cons of the patch and gum.
FTC finds Ruta Lee's Vitamin C and stop-smoking ads were deceptive
Television personality Ruta Lee agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that advertising claims she made for three vitamin sprays and a stop-smoking spray were unsubstantiated.
Kicking Butts in the Twenty-First Century
50 page ACSH pamphlet reports the track record of nioctine patch, gum, inhaler, lozenge, spray; buproprion; counseling, alone and in combination with drug therapies; support groups; telephone counseling; self-help materials and programs; alternative approaches including acupuncture, hypnosis, and herbal remedies.
The Habitrol Stop Smoking System
Vendor of "the patch". Focus is on a smoking cessation program that combines development of a personalized program with behavioral modification, nicotine replacement therapy and on-line support. In English and French language.