Febrile Seizure   Organizations   Personal Pages   
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Web Pages
CenterWatch Listing of Clinical Research Trials. Disease Category Listing (62) U.S. information site.
Options for Treatment of Uncontrolled Seizures
Fact sheet from the Temple University School of Medicine, Neurology Department.
To Aid Someone Having A Seizure
What you should do if someone has a seizure.
Epilepsy: Taming the Seizures
While treatment choices are many for controlling epileptic seizures, there is still much to learn about this condition.
Women and Epilepsy
National Epilepsy Association of Aust Inc. FAQ.
Epilepsy Family Study of Columbia University
Study to identify genes that play a role in causing epilepsy. We are studying families in which epilepsy may be inherited.
Information for parents with children who suffer from epilepsy. Includes resources, news, links, education, treatment and a notice board.
Landau Kleffner Syndrome
A form of childhood epilepsy which results in a severe language disorder. This information is to help parents and carers and was produced in the UK.
Contains comprehensive information on this disease, together with news on the latest development. Includes a forum and a chat room.
Natural Healthlink
Detailed information on epilepsy, its treatment, and nutritional and dietary changes that may be helpful.
Florida Comprehensive Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders Center
Patient information as well as details about the center and its services. Special services are available for registered patients.
SIU Center for Epilepsy
The Center for Epilepsy provides comprehensive care for persons with all types of epilepsy, through advanced diagnositc techniques, specialized pharmacologic therapy, new investigational drugs and devices, and epilepsy surgery.
OHSU Comprehensive Epilepsy Center
Oregon Health Sciences University Comprehensive Epilepsy Center is an educational resource for information about epilepsy and the center.
Charge-The experience of Epilepsy
Aims to promote social understanding and acceptance of this disease by demystifying the processes in the human brain which lead to seizure. Includes a bulletin board.
Neurology Channel - Seizure Disorders
Introduction to seizure disorders, ask a doctor forum.
Keep Kids Healthy
Information about seizures and epilepsy. Includes testing, types and further resources.
Information sheet compiled by NINDS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Links to information from Fasthealth.com.
Ohtahara Syndrome
Information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Seizures and Epilepsy: Hope Through Research
Information booklet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
General Practice Notebook - Epilepsy
Clinically-oriented information on the various types.
Comprehensive Epilepsy Center - University of Chicago
Information on epilepsy and seizure disorders from the Neurology program.
Epilepsy - So What
Description of types and treatment of epilepsy and how to accept it. With links to international pages and chat. Also information on Nervus Vagus Stimulator. European based.
MCW HealthLink: Epilepsy
News and information about epilepsy from the physicians of the Medical College of Wisconsin.
Epilepsy - So What
Description of types and treatment of epilepsy and how to accept it. With links to international pages and chat. Also information on Nervus Vagus Stimulator. European based.