Post Polio Syndrome         
Web Pages
Mama's Health: Polio
Learn about polio, its causes, symptoms and treatment.
Global Polio Eradication Initiative
WHO official site on the initiative, with background information and data on current progress to completely eradication polio.
Zimbabwe Stories
The stories have been written as part of an independent project to assist some of the many physically impaired polio victims in Zimbabwe. It highlights the problems of disability in Africa.
Polio Eradication Project
Information about the drive from International Broadcasting Bureau.
A World without Polio
Highlights the efforts for world-wide eradication of polio by UNICEF and its partners.
Polio Experience Network
Offers information, inspiration, ideas and resources to help you understand polio and post-polio syndrome, and to confidently manage life with it.
Polio Connection of America
Information, resources and support for polio survivors and their families.
National Polio Surveillance Project
Contains polio surveillance data for India updated weekly, with information and documents on the Polio Eradication Programme.
Polio Information Center Online (PICO)
General information on the molecular biology and medical aspects of poliovirus, with links to related resources.