North America
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Web Pages
Canada - - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)
Canadian federal government agency, based in Hamilton, Ontario. It promotes a safe and healthy working environment by providing information and advice to employers and workers about occupational health and safety. Bilingual site (English and French).
US - Alaska - Department of Labor and Workplace Development - Occupational Safety and Health Section
The Section enforces state occupational safety and health regulations. It also provides consultative services and training to public and private sector employers and employees related to safety and health matters.
US - Arkansas - Department of Labor
Includes subdivisions concerned with: AOSH (Arkansas Occupational Safety and Health); boiler inspection; elevator safety; mine safety; recording of fatal occupational injuries and illnesses; safety training and education.
US - California - Department of Health Services - Occupational Health Branch (OHB)
Maintaining surveillance, evaluation, and public education about occupational disease and injury among California workers.
US - California - Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board (CAL/OSHA App.)
This quasi-judicial body handles appeals from private and public sector employers regarding citations issued by the Division of Occupational Safety and Health for alleged violations of workplace safety and health laws and regulations.
US - California - Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)
The Division protects workers and the public from safety hazards by enforcing the state's occupational and public safety laws and it provides information and consultative assistance to employers, workers and the public about workplace and public safety matters.
US - California - Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (OSHSB)
The OSHSB is the standards-setting agency within the Cal/OSHA program. Its objectives are to adopt reasonable and enforceable standards at least as effective as federal standards.
US - California - Commission on Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation (CHSWC)
Joint labor-management body charged with overseeing the health and safety and workers' compensation systems in California and recommending administrative or legislative modifications to improve their operation.
US - Colorado - Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) - Division of Workers' Compensation
The Division provides information to enable injured workers, employers, insurance carriers and self-insured employers to comply with the statutory requirements of the Workers' Compensation Act and to encourage safety on the job and containment of costs.
US - Connecticut - Department of Labor - Division of Occupational Safety and Health (CONN-OSHA)
This Division enforces state occupational safety and health regulations as they apply to state and municipal employees.
US - Hawaii - Department of Labor & Industrial Relations (DLIR) - Occupational Safety and Health Division (HIOSH)
This Division is responsible for inspection, reporting, training, and information in connection with occupational safety and health matters.
US - Illinois - Illinois Industrial Commission
The Commission is the state court for workers' compensation cases.
US - Iowa - Labor Services Division
Links to state sites dealing with occupational safety, including enforcement, record-keeping, consultation and education.
US - Iowa - Iowa Division of Workers' Compensation
Site of the state workers' compensation authority.
US - Kentucky - Kentucky Labor Cabinet - Workers' Compensation Programs
Page detailing the delivery of workers' compensation in the state.
US - Louisiana - Louisiana Department of Labor
The site has limited information on workmen's compensation program in the state.
US - Maryland - Division of Labor and Industry - Maryland Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH)
This agency carries out Maryland's OSHA program covering all workers in the state. It does so by activities of compliance, enforcement, consulting, training, education, recordkeeping and statistics.
US - Massachusetts - Department of Labor and Workforce Development - Division of Occupational Safety
Mission of the Division: to prevent occupational injuries, illnesses and fatalities in the state. Its means of action: enforcement, consultation, hazard evaluation, licensing of dangerous work, standards setting. The Division also has non-safety-related duties related to employment agencies and wages.
US - Delaware - Department of Labor
This site includes links to Department Offices dealing with occupational safety and health statistics, workers' compensation, and OSHA consultation services.
Canada - Ontario - Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
This government agency oversees Ontario's workplace safety education and training system, provides disability benefits, monitors the quality of health care, and assists in early and safe return to work. Bilingual site (English and French).
US - Minnesota - Department of Labor & Industry - Minnesota OSHA
The mission of this office is to insure that OSHA standards are maintained and complied with. Its means of action include outreach, consultation, enforcement and recordkeeping.
US - Missouri - Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DOLIR) - Division of Labor Standards
Includes links to the state's Mine and Cave Safety and Health program and to the optional On-Site Safety and Health Consultation service that can assist employers in complying with federal OSHA regulations, and in providing a safe and healthy workplace for their employees by reducing injuries and illnesses.
US - Missouri - Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DOLIR) - Division of Workers' Compensation
The Division provides compensation for work-related injury, and information about employer requirements to have workers' compensation insurance. It also answers questions about workers' compensation benefits, evaluates work sites for worker safety, provides information on self-insurance, resolves medical fee disputes, and assists victims injured in a violent crime.
US - Nebraska - Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court
The mission of the Court is to administer and enforce provisions of the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act.
US - Montana - Department of Labor and Industry - Employment Relations Division - Safety and Health Bureau
The role of the Bureau is to enforce compliance of public sector employers with safety and health standards, provide OSHA consultations to private businesses, provide workplace technical assistance on safety and health issues, engage in industrial hygiene activities, provide workplace safety and health training, inspect coal mines and quarries and furnish information on the Safety Culture Act.
US - Nevada - Department of Business and Industry - Division of Industrial Relations
The Division promotes and enforces safety in the workplace. Should injury occur, the Division ensures the timely and appropriate delivery of benefits.
US - Nevada - Department of Business and Industry - Safety Consultation and Training Section (SCATS)
This agency provides workplace safety assistance services to Nevada employers.
US - Montana - Department of Labor and Industry - Employment Relations Division - Workers' Compensation Claims Assistance Bureau
The Bureau provides a variety of information sharing, monitoring and regulatory services for the workers' compensation industry and claimants.
US - New Hampshire - Department of Labor
The Department maintains services in the Safety & Training and Workers' Compensation areas.
US - New Jersey - Department of Health and Senior Services - Occupational Health Service
Administers an Occupational Health Surveillance Program for all workers in the state, the Public Employees Occupational Safety and Health (PEOSH) Program and the Right to Know Program (RTK).
US - Nebraska - Nebraska Workforce Development (NWD)
Includes links to information on workplace inspection, OSHA consultation, workplace fatality investigations, and workplace safety law.
US - North Carolina - Department of Labor - Occupational Safety and Health Division
The Division enforces state OSHA standards, and provides consultation, education and training services to public and private sector employers throughout the state.
US - New York - Department of Labor - Division of Safety and Health
The main responsibility of the Division is to protect workers in their work environment. It administers a large number of programs in both the public and the private sector.
US - Mississippi - Mississippi Workers' Compensation Commission (MWCC)
The workers' compensation system was created to provide a measured level of benefits to employees injured in the course of employment, without regard to negligence or fault, and, at the same time, to limit the liability of employers for these injuries.
US - District of Columbia - Workers' Compensation Program
The Program processes claims and monitors the payment of benefits to injured private-sector employees in the District of Columbia.
US - District of Columbia - Office of Occupational Safety and Health
The Office establishes and maintains a safety and health management program for the maintenance of a safe and healthyl work environment for employees and other users of District government facilities. OSH also provides on-site consultation services to private-sector employers in the District.
US - Maine - Workers' Compensation Board
The purpose of the Board is mission is to serve the employees and employers of the State fairly and expeditiously by ensuring compliance with workers' compensation laws, ensuring the prompt delivery of benefits legally due, promoting the prevention of disputes, utilizing dispute resolution to reduce litigation and facilitating labor-management cooperation.
US - Kansas - Department of Human Resources - Division of Workers Compensation
Agency charged with the compensation of occupational accidents and diseases, with the performance of safety and health audits in the public sector, with consultations relating to safety and health, and with the inspection of boilers used in the public and private sector.
US - New York - Workers' Compensation Board
The Board is responsible for the provision of cash payments and the cost of full medical treatment, including rehabilitation, for covered employees who become disabled as a result of a disease or injury connected with their employment. It also provides payments for qualified dependents of a worker who dies from a compensable injury or illness.
US - Maine - Department of Labor - Bureau of Labor Standards
The Bureau has various programs in the safety and health area, including the "SafetyWorks!" program, training activities, and safety and health monitoring in the public sector.
US - Oklahoma - Department of Labor - Safety Pays
State agency responsible for various aspects of occupational safety and health, including OSHA consultations and workers' compensation enforcement matters.
US - Ohio - Department of Commerce - Division of Labor and Worker Safety
This Division is reponsible for the administration of the Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) and the OSHA On-Site Consultation Program.
US - Ohio - Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC)
In addition to providing compensation to victims of occupational accidents and diseases, this Bureau also conducts programs in occupational hygiene, and training, information and consulting services in the field of occupational safety and health.
US - Oregon - Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division (OR-OSHA)
This Division administers the OSEAct and enforces Oregon's occupational safety and health rules. These rules establish minimum safety and health standards for all industries and outline specific standards for individual industries such as logging and agriculture.
US - Pennsylvania - Department of Labor & Industry - Workplace and Community Safety
Links to state safety and health programs in Pennsylvania, including PENNSAFE (charged with increasing awareness of the benefits of workplace safety and joint worker-management safety committees), Labor Law Compliance, Occupational & Industrial Safety, and Workers' Compensation.
US - South Carolina - SC OSHA Office
The mission of this department is to ensure the safety and health of employees through compliance inspections, recordkeeping, and the compilation of statistics.
US - Tennessee - Department of Labor & Workforce Development - Division of Occupational Safety & Health (TOSHA)
The Divisions administers compliance, education, training and consultation services in order to carry out the provisions of Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1972.
US - Tennessee - Department of Labor & Workforce Development - Division of Workers' Compensation
In addition to the administration of workers' compensation system, this Division carries out safety programs and manages the Drug Free Workplace Program.
US - Texas - Texas Workers' Compensation Commission (TWCC)
The Commission provides compensation, safety and health promotion and training, consultation and information services.
US - South Dakota - Division of Labor and Management
Among its variuos tasks, the Division administers the state's workers' compensation system.
US - Vermont - Vermont Department of Labor & Industry - Vermont Occupational Safety and Health (VOSHA)
This agency is responsible for information, training and reporting in the safety and health field in Vermont.
US - Washington - Department of Labor and Industries - Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) Services
Agency responsible for the health and safety of almost all employees in the state. It achieves its aims through inspection, information, training and consultation services.
US - Wyoming - Department of Employment - Wyoming Workers' Safety/OSHA
This agency protects workers' safety and health through compliance, training and consultation activities.
US - Wisconsin - Department of Workforce Development (DWD) - Workers' Compensation Division
This agency is responsible for workers' compensation payments in the state, as well as for the development of safety programs, carrying out safety consultations, and the collection of workplace accident statistics.
US - West Virginia - Bureau of Employment Programs - Workers' Compensation Division
Agency providing workers' compensation and safety and loss control services.
US - West Virginia - Bureau of Commerce - Office of Miners' Health Safety and Training
Agency responsible for the enforcement of the West Virginia Mine Safety Laws and Regulations. These duties include regular inspections of all mining related sites, the certification/training of mine employees, the investigation of mining accidents and the collection of mine safety and health statistics.
US - Idaho - Idaho Industrial Commission
Agency responsible for workers' compensation in Idaho.
US - New Mexico - Workers' Compensation Administration
Agency responsible for workers' compensation in New Mexico.
US - - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The CDC maintains several departments concerned with occupational safety and health, such as the Center for Injury Prevention and Control, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Bilingual site (English and Spanish).
US - - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
As part of the CDC, NIOSH is the main US federal agency responsible for conducting research into occupational safety and health matters, as well as for investigating work-related hazards, and the carrying out of educational, training and information activities in the field. Bilingual site (English and Spanish).
US - - Department of Labor - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
OSHA is the main federal agency charged with the enforcement of safety and health legislation. OSHA is focusing on four strategies: 1) leadership; 2) strong, fair and effective enforcement; 3) outreach, education and compliance assistance; and 4) partnerships with state governments and the private sector. Bilingual site (English and Spanish).
US - - Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC)
Independent Federal agency created to decide contests of citations or penalties resulting from OSHA inspections of workplaces in the US.
US - - Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB)
Independent federal agency responsible for investigating the causes of accidents due to hazardous materials in commerce and industry. Chemical Incident Reports Center (CIRC) is a searchable on-line worldwide database of incident reports.
US - Indiana - Worker's Compensation Board
Agency responsible for the compensation of occupational accidents and diseases, for arranging for the provision of medical services to injured workers, and for vocational rehabilitation.
Canada - British Columbia - Workers' Compensation Board of BC (WCB)
Agency responsible for inspection, prevention, information, training, compensation, and rehabilitation activities in the province.
Canada - Alberta - Human Resources and Employment - Workplace Health & Safety
Provincial department responsible for enforcement and information activities in connection with workplace safety and health.
Canada - Alberta - Workers' Compensation Board (WCB)
Nonprofit agency entirely financed by employers' contributions, and responsible for the compensation of workers' occupational injuries and diseases, as well as for the rehabilitation of victims. It also organizes injury prevention and management programs in the workplace.
Canada - Saskatchewan - Saskatchewan Labour - Occupational Health and Safety Division
Government division responsible for inspection, information, and training activities in connection with occupational safety and health matters.
Canada - Saskatchewan - Saskatchewan Labour - Farm Safety Program
Government department responsible for farm safety in the province.
Canada - Saskatchewan - Workers' Compensation Board (WCB)
Independent government agency responsible for the no-fault system of compensation and rehabilitation of occupational accidents and diseases. The agency also engages in preventive and informational activities.
Canada - Manitoba - Workplace Safety and Health Division
Government agency responsible for inspection, licencing, information, and training activities in connection with safety and health in the workplace. Bilingual site (English and French).
US - Michigan - Department of Consumer & Industry Services (CIS) - Bureau of Safety and Regulation
The mission of the Bureau is to help assure the safety and health of workers and the protection of benefits.
US - Arizona - Industrial Commission of Arizona - Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health (ADOSH)
Maintains OSHA standards for the State of Arizona, with the exception of mining operations, Indian Reservations and federal employees.
Canada - Manitoba - Workers' Compensation Board of Manitoba (WCB)
The WCB is a non-profit mutual accident and disability insurance agency established by legislation, maintained in partnership between workers and employers and funded by employer premiums. The WCB's goals are to reduce the risk of workplace injuries and illness, and to reduce the impact of injuries and illnesses.
Canada - Ontario - Ministry of Labour - Occupational Health and Safety
Portal into the enforcement, information and training activities of the Ministry concerning workplace health and safety. Bilingual site (English and French).
Canada - - Human Resources Development Canada - Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational health and Safety activities of federal offices and businesses, as governed by the Canada Labour Code. Bilingual site (English and French).
Canada - Prince Edward Island - Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island
Agency responsible for the compensation of occupational accidents and diseases, as well as for prevention activities in the province.
Canada - New Brunswick - Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission of New Brunswick (WHSCC)
Government agency responsible for occupational health and safety, workplace assessment, and the compensation and rehabilitation of workplace accidents and diseases. Bilingual site (English and French).
Canada - Nova Scotia - Environment and Labour - Occupational Health and Safety Division
Agency responsible for prevention, information and training activities in the field of occupational safety and health.
Canada - Nova Scotia - Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) of Nova Scotia
The mission of the WCB is to coordinate the workers' compensation system to assist injured workers and their employers by providing timely health care and rehabilitative support to facilitate the efforts of injured workers to return to work; and by providing appropriate compensation work-related disabilities.
Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador - Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Branch
Government agency responsible for investigation, inspection and prevention activities in the area of occupational health and safety.
Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador - Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission (WHSCC)
This agency administers an employer-funded no fault insurance system that promotes safe and healthy workplaces, provides return-to-work programs and fair compensation to injured workers and their dependants.
Canada - Northwest Territories/Nunavut - Workers' Compensation Board (WCB)
Agency responsible for occupational safety and health activities (inspection, training, information) as well as for the compensation of workplace accidents and diseases in two of Canada's northern territories.
Canada - Yukon Territory - Workers' Compensation, Health and Safety Board (WCHSB)
Employer funded agency responsible for the compensation of occupational accidents and injuries, as well as for workplace prevention activities.
Canada - Québec - Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST)
Provincial agency responsible for inspection, prevention, compensation, and rehabilitation activities with respect to safety and health in the workplace. French-language site, with material aimed directly at workers also in English.
US - Kentucky - Kentucky Labor Cabinet - Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Program
The mission of this program is to prevent damage to the safety and health of all employees, both public and private, arising out of exposure to harmful conditions and practices at places of work.
US - Utah - Labor Commission of Utah - Occupational Safety and Health
This agency's role is to preserve human resources by providing safety and health assistance through consultation, training, and education for employees and employers and by establishing and enforcing occupational safety and health standards.
US - Rhode Island - Division of Workers' Compensation
Site of the Rhode Island Workers' Compensation System, including information on its non-compensation services, such as workers' education.
US - Florida - Department of Financial Services - Division of Workers' Compensation
Agency responsible for workers' compensation in Florida.
US - Virginia - Department of Labor & Industry - Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Compliance Program
This program conducts inspections of private and public sector employers to assure compliance with the laws, standards and regulations of the state.
US - Michigan - Department of Consumer & Industry Services (CIS) - Bureau of Workers' and Unemployment Compensation
Responsible for workers' compensation payments within the state.
Canada - - Health Canada - Radiation Protection Bureau
This program of the Federal Government deal with protection against ionizing radiation, both at the workplace and elsewhere. Bilingual site (English and French).
Workforce Safety and Insurance
This agency provides compensation, as well as safety training and education, and help with the implementation of risk management programs.
US - Alabama - Department of Industrial Relations
Includes information on workers' compensation and mine safety legislation in Alabama.
US - Alabama - Workers' Compensation Division
Responsible for the administration of the Alabama Workers' Compensation Law to ensure proper payment of benefits to employees injured on the job and encourage safety in the work place.
US - Indiana - Department of Labor - Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Division (IOSHA)
Dedicated to providing a safe working environment for the employees and employers of Indiana, through inspection and research activities.