Tubal Ligation
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Web Pages
Eve's Tubal Ring
A contraceptive device, used in laparoscopic sterilization of ladies, as a way to achieve permanent birth control.
Coalition for Post Tubal Women
Information and support for women who have had a tubal ligation.
Information is provided for those considering a tubal ligation reversal along with helpful information for those who have had reversals and now trying to conceive.
Tubal Ligation
Information page by Dr. Hatcher of Emory University.
Women Who Are Sterilized At Age 30 or Younger Have Increased Odds of Regret
Study concludes that "a surprisingly high percentage of women sterilized at a young age in the United States will regret their decision at some point." From Family Planning Perspectives.
101 Reasons Not to Get Your Tubes Tied
Explanation of emotional and physical side effects.
Tubal Ligation - Female Sterilization
Short information sheet by Feminist Women's Health Center.
Tubal Ligation - Pomeroy Technique
Accurate illustrations of the Pomeroy and other methods of tubal ligation are provided along with pregnancy rates following tubal ligation reversal.
femalesterilization.com - advice on sterilization treatments
Information, advice and guidance about female sterilization using tubal ligation.